Chapter 25: Trust Issues

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Jae POV:

"Because he's his dad" Lucas calmly states as he shrugs his shoulders. I stare at him not really knowing what to say or how to react, is this a joke to him? Why would he think that KJ is Uncle JB's child? I know that Lucas likes to stay behind the scenes and just observes and watches the drama unfold but I never put him down as a person to start the drama. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks me bringing me back to reality.

"Why would you say Uncle JB is he's dad? My dad is he's dad Lucas Uncle JB has nothing to do with KJ" I tell him making him scoff at me catching me off guard. I know Lucas is his own person and doesn't like to show his emotions not share his thoughts but sometimes I wish that he wouldn't show me so much attitude as well. Just because he's smart and mature doesn't make him an adult, he's still a kid, my kid.

"Are we seriously doing this again?" He asks me with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed glaring at me. I hate it when he does that it's as if he is checking whether I am lying to him or not. He doesn't trust me like he used to anymore and I don't blame him.

"Doing what?" I question as I cross my arms over my chest and look down at him trying my best to show him that I am the one who's in charge and that I should be respected despite the things I have done in the past I am still the parent.

"Lying" he bluntly says making me scoff at him.

"How dare you? I know I lied to you before but it was because I was protecting you but that doesn't mean I'm a pathological liar" I exclaim trying my best to read his face so I can at least know what he's thinking but he's Lucas and he doesn't show any emotion on his face and just leaves me in the dark, it never bothered me before but now it does because I feel like he doesn't trust me and it feels like I don't know him anymore.

"Whatever" he shrugs me off then puts his earphones back into his ears and turns away from me.

"Lucas don't you whatever me, seriously what's wrong with you?" I grab him and turn him around to face me before pulling out his earphones from his ears and looking deeply into his eyes. I don't want to ban him from listening to music but if he continues to use it as a getaway then I'm going to have to put my foot down.

"I'll pretend that I don't know that KJ is JB junior" he snares before removing my hand from his grip then getting up from his seat and heading towards his bedroom leaving me in shock. Why is he so stuck on the thought that KJ is Uncle JB's son?

"What was that all about?" Jungkook pops outta nowhere catching me off guard making me jump. He notices that he startled me then begins to rub my shoulder in order to soothe me but that isn't going to soothe me.

"I dunno for some reason he thinks Uncle JB is KJ's dad" I explain to him making him look down at me with a confused facial expression. That was my reaction too, he's just too paranoid and I dunno maybe he's bored. I just don't want to think about it I just want my mum out of my life as soon as possible.

"What why?" He asks making me sigh.

"I dunno he's probably paranoid and thinks everyone is lying all because of me-"

"Hey hey don't blame yourself you are not to blame you are just a parent protecting her children" he cuts me off from my rant and begins to rub my shoulders whilst looking deeply into my eyes and surprisingly he manages to calm me down, I feel relaxed and warm looking into his eyes. He looks down at me then his eyes fall onto my lips it takes me a while to notice that he is getting closer to my face.

"Jungkook please don't, I brought you back to amend things with Junae not with me" I say as I step away from him making him sigh at me and look down at his feet. I don't want him getting the wrong idea I don't want to lead him on because he's Junae's dad and that's all he'll ever be to me, I can't go back to being his it just never ends well. We were not meant to be I guess.

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