Chapter 40: Panic mode

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Jaebum POV:

As per usual I'm late to pick up the kids, it's not like I'm worried or anything because I know for a fact that they are probably sitting there waiting for me because they are just so used to my ass being late. You'd think that I'd be responsible by now but the joke is on you I never change and never mature I'm still the chocoholic Uncle JB that gets arrested because of his love for chocolate. Not gonna lie though recently I've been slacking I don't want to sound like a rude dad or anything but it's all KJ's fault, that little man is just stealing my time and my game like that man has better talk than me. What has happened to me? Jae says I'm 30 now therefore should be married, I can't even take care of this kid let alone have one woman to satisfy me for the rest of my life. What kind of bullshit is that?

I get to the school parking at 3:45pm meaning I'm a whole 40 minutes late not that big of a deal. I walk up towards Junae's dance class since it's the closest and I wait for her to finish. I like seeing her smile while she dances, you can tell that she actually enjoys it unlike when she's in basketball club and she looks like she wants to kill herself.

"Hey Uncle, did you see me spin? Did you see me b boy like that?" She rushes over to me and beams with a big smile on her face and her eyes all lit up with excitement. She brushes her loose curls aside and all I can think about is Jae's reaction when she sees her little girls hair.

"Pfft that was nothing you should see me b boy" I tell her with a proud look on my face remembering the days where I used to street dance for money so I can throw it in the strip club at all the beautiful honies, ah those were the stress free days and I miss them like mad.

"No offense Uncle but your old, won't you break a bone or bones?" She asks with pure concern in her eyes making me scoff at her, I am massively offended by that. I am not old I am just ageing at a rate that I cannot catch up with, yes my bones hurt but I can still move.

"Excuse me I'm not that old" I respond looking down at her offended but she just rolls her eyes at me sighs.

"Well you're not that young either" she sassily remarks making me scoff at her, I'm not surprised by her comment I mean come on she's her mother's daughter for crying out loud. But she's right I'm no longer young, I have responsibilities therefore I need to take life seriously but why do I still not give two fucks about life? We head over to KJ's class since it's the next one that's close to the dance room.

"Hi, I'm here to collect my son" I say to KJ's teacher who I'm pretty sure wants me to fuck her senseless. I'm not overreacting, I know this bitch is married yet when I appear her wedding ring disappears but unfortunately for her, she ain't chocolate so my little man do go hard for her.

"Excuse me?" She asks me trying to sound all sexy and shit. I mean she pretty but it ain't working love.

"KJ, I'm here for KJ" I repeat flashing her a quick smile as I look down at my watch trying to look like I'm in a major rush.

"Well erm KJ was collected by Lucas so we assumed that you already took him" she tells me and all I can do is stare at her with my eyes narrowed and my eyebrows furrowed trying to figure out how on mother fucking Earth this woman managed to pass a degree in teaching and became a teacher who's job is to teach and look after the kids. Did she skip a class of something?

"You let my son go with an 8 year old!" I shout at her catching her off guard making her jump in her place. I begin to breathe heavily trying to compose myself but I'm failing.

"We assumed-"

"Stop assume shit and do your damn job now I don't know where my son and nephew are!" I cut her off and shout getting frustrated at her and at the whole situation, now I have to go on a hunt as if we don't have enough things on our plate. I can't tell Jae, I'll just have to find them on my own well with Junae tagging along.

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