Chapter 26: My Dad

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Jungkook POV:

"What?" Uncle JB looks down at Lucas with a confused facial expression making Lucas turn away and look down at his phone. I glare at the kid for saying that out loud and I can feel Uncles eyes now on me waiting for me to explain since Lucas doesn't wanna say shit. What am I supposed to tell him? I can't say it's the truth because technically I don't know what the truth is and to be honest I don't want to be involved, I'm just trynna get along with my daughter.

"I was just joking Uncle you can chill" Lucas finally speaks up and laughs hoping that Uncle would see the funny side of it as well but he doesn't, instead he puts Junae down and looks Lucas deeply in his eyes making him look away from him.

"Why are you looking away?" He asks Lucas who still refuses to make any eye contact with him.

"Well you see the thing is eye contact makes me uncomfortable" Lucas answers still avoiding all eye contact with Uncle JB making Junae sigh probably because she doesn't have Uncles attention anymore.

"So since you're my dad you should give me your jacket" KJ says catching me off guard causing me to begin to violently cough. Uncle looks at me before returning his attention back to KJ with an annoyed look on his face.

"I'm not your dad man" Uncle responds getting frustrated. I feel like Lucas gave it away and now Uncle is thinking of the possibility that he might actually be his dad. I really hope he's not because I know Uncle he might like Junae and Lucas but he hates other children including KJ. It'll just be awkward.

"I don't care I want your jacket" KJ shrugs his shoulders and points at Uncles jacket. Why does he even want it, it'll be too big for him anyway.

"Get your own" Uncle exclaims making KJ cross his arms over his chest with a pout on his face. Now he's trynna act cute wow him and Junae have something in common.

"My mum won't buy me one" KJ sulks probably hoping that Uncle would give up his jacket but he doesn't know that Uncle is immune to pity, he feels sorry for nobody.

"Tough luck" he responds as he picks up Junae again and leaves us alone in the kitchen. KJ chases after him and I look down at Lucas angry that he let it slip like that without even consoling his mum first. What if we just started unnecessary drama? For once I just want to live a calm simple life.

"Stop looking at me like that I'm sorry it was by accident people don't usual pay attention to me" Lucas finally speaks up after 5 minutes of me giving him the evils for being so careless. Even though he apologised I know for a fact that he doesn't care that he said it because there's one thing that Lucas likes more than drama and that's the truth.

"Yeah but that don't mean you can be dropping bombs like that" I sigh and beginning to rub the back of my head thinking of how stressed Uncle must be right now and for all we know he's stressing for no reason.

"Was Grandma Uncles chocolate as well?" Lucas asks me making me laugh to myself, wow Uncle still calls his women chocolate,

"Yes" I answer him.

"Well then that sorts it out it's his kid" he casually says as he jumps out of his seat and starts to head over to Uncle forcing me to grab his arm and pull him back before he said anything.

"We need to talk to your mum" I tell him making him sigh probably because he doesn't want to speak to her since they are on bad terms but I really hope that they start taking again because I feel like it's partially my fault that they aren't speaking.

"Ok I'll get the car keys" he says as he waltz out of the kitchen. I grab my coat from the closet then put on my shoes by the door before opening it prepared to leave. Should we tell them that we are leaving?

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