Chapter 50: All Forgiven

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Jae POV:

I stand there frozen with Jungkooks arm wrapped around my waist making sure that I am close by him. I feel my heart begin to beat as if I'm going to have a panic attack, all the noises around me are blending in to make one big confusing sound. Jungkook is getting angry, the kids are looking at me confused and I just don't know how to act or react I just look at the beautiful woman standing in front of me. She has long black hair that contrasts her white snowflake skin, she's petite and cute looking but gives off a sexy aura that draws so much attention to her. I know who she is without her even introducing herself, I can never forget the voice of the woman who ruined my life. I hate her I really do, me and Jungkook would've been married a long time ago if it wasn't for her.

"Who let this she devil in here?!" Jungkook exclaims as he eyes the pretty lady up and down with a look of distaste on his face making it obvious that he doesn't want her to be here. She looks down at her feet looking hurt and heart broken but I don't care, she's broken and hurt this family too much for me to feel sorry for her.

"Woah who you calling a she devil?" Bambam jumps to her defense making me dart my eyes at him surprised but by the look of utter confusion on his face I can tell that he has no idea what she has done to this family.

"Her that bitch standing right over there" Jungkook firmly points his finger at her as he clenches his jaw and puts his hand into a tight fist forcing me to grab hold of his hand and start stroking it to calm him down. He looks down at me and I give him a gentle smile making him loosen his fist.

"Jungkook watch your mouth or I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" He lets go of my hand and marches towards Bambam before bumping chests with him. Bambam might be taller but with the muscles and anger Jungkook is carrying he'll knock out Bambam with just one punch and I'm not prepared to watch my fiancé and brother fight.

"Ok ok fellas calm down there are kids in the room" Uncle JB separates them both and pushes them each across the room. The kids look up at Lucas waiting for him to give them an explanation but Lucas has his earphones in probably trying to drown out the sound of arguing with his music.

"Hi there guys I'm guessing you're the beautiful children Bambam has been telling me about" she crouches down to their level and begins to talk to them as she flips her hair aside. She lifts up her hand and begins to stroke Junae's shoulder forcing Lucas to pull Junae behind him catching the lady off guard. He might not be listening but he's still protective.

"Don't touch my children" I sternly tell her finally breaking my silence. She gets up from the floor patting down her dress as she clears her throat and looks at me with eyes narrowed and eyebrows all furrowed trying to look innocent.

"Jungkook this one looks just like you, she's so cute" she continues as she smiles down at Junae who is clinging onto Lucas avoiding eye contact with the lady making her awkwardly look away. Bambam places his arm around her waist to reassure her making me scoff at the scene.

"Quit the act and get the fuck out of this place before I call security" Jungkook threatens as he folds his arms across his chest glaring down at the lady in Bambams arms. I can't be bothered to remember her name or to even hear he talk or explain I just want her to leave without my brother in her arms.

"It really doesn't have to be like this, we are adults now" she states with pleading eyes and this time Jungkook is the one to scoff before beginning to frantically laugh leaving the kids looking up at him like he's lost he mind.

"I don't fucking care, you ruined my life, you broke me, broke us" he speaks up and says with anger laced in his voice. I can see the hurt in his eyes he wants to hit something, someone, he's anger is just building up just by looking at her. I don't want him to lash out at her especially in front of the kids making him look like the bad guy when in reality he is just hurting.

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