Chapter 6: Day with Daddy

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Jungkook POV:

"You know my dad?" She looks up at me with her eyes wide open. I smile at her little cute eyes and how she's trying her best to open them wide, it reminds me of how Jae used to mock me about my eyes. I look down at her and notice how desperate she is to get any information about her father, should I come out and tell her that I'm him? What if she hates me? What if I'm not who she pictured to be her dad? Jae would kill me too, maybe I should just wait until everything has cooled down and then when the time is right I'll tell her. Hopefully this works out.

"Yeah, I know your dad, he was a cool guy" I finally answer her question whilst avoiding her eyes because I'm not actually lying, I know her dad, I know him more than anyone but she just doesn't need to know that I'm him.

"If he was a cool guy then why did he leave me?" She asks me then kisses her teeth. I don't want her to hate me but I don't want her to have too big of expectations of me either because knowing me, I'll probably end up disappointing her.

"He was young and confused, probably thought he was doing the right thing" I try to explain it to her without going into too much detail but by the look on her face she doesn't seem like she is bothered by my words.

"Whatever, now get me some strawberry ice cream with chocolate droplets" she changes the subject as soon as we get to the ice cream shop called 'After's'. She goes on her tip toes and begins to look at all the different flavors with her tongue sticking out making me smile at her cuteness. "Order it then" she demands bringing me back to reality.

"That's your style?" I ask her before buying her ice cream. She glares up at me and begins to bite the inside of her cheek as if I have said something to offend her. Why does she intimidate me more than Jae did?

"Yeah that's my style you got a problem with it old man?" She sassily responds as she flips her hair aside and places her hands firmly on her hips. I laugh making her roll her eyes at me and then she smiles at me catching me off guard.

"I'm not old I'm not even 30 yet" I try to defend myself.

"Precisely... you is old" she points at me then crosses her arms as she looks up at me, I like the way that she looks up at me it makes me feel like I am someone important and some sort of role model for her and I really want to keep it that way.

"Are you gonna order or-"

"Shut up the customers know better" Junae interrupts the cashier who just kisses her teeth and looks at me as if expecting me to tell off Junae for being so rude but to be honest I'm still lowkey shook at what Junae just said and I don't know how to respond.

"Can we have one strawberry ice cream with chocolate droplets and one oreo ice cream" I order and the cashier looks at me surprised that I didn't tell off Junae but I don't care, if my baby girl wants to be sassy then my baby girl can be as sassy as she wants. The cashier gives us our orders then we sit down in one of the booths and straight away she digs into her ice cream.

"How is school?" I ask her trying to make chit chatter, I remember how my mum used to ask me this question everyday after school and I'll just say it was fine then walk away but I hope she doesn't do that with me.

"Boring, I feel like I'm too good for that place that my talent is being wasted with those brainless babies" she explains as she eats the chocolate droplets then begins to eat her ice cream.

"Then why do you go?" I ask her and she looks up at me as if I have lost my mind.

"Have you not met my mum?" She questions me making me laugh at the fact that she knows Jae so well, Jae would hate it if she found out that Junae hates going to school, fuck she'll flip when she finds out she don't like basketball.

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