Chapter 49: That Other Woman

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Lucas POV:

I've really gotten myself into trouble this time haven't I? Me and my big mouth always saying things that I shouldn't be saying and shouldn't be knowing. Why do I do this? Everything was fine, mum was happy, Jungkook was happy and so was Junae then I had to ruin it all with my big ass mouth and now everyone is looking at me waiting for answers. Why is it I'm always the centre of every drama? It's because I'm the main cause of drama, this family will be way more peaceful and happy if I just wasn't in it to ruin the day every single time. I tried I really did try to not know as much as I do, I tried to be a normal kid for once but adults are just so bad at hiding things it's impossible for me not to figure things out.

"Mum what does he mean by new baby?" Junae asks mum looking up at her with her big brown eyes filled with curiosity. I look at mum and she is looking at Jungkook probably debating whether she should tell Junae or Jungkook should. I bite my lips knowing that I've really messed up this time wishing that I just kept my mouth shut.

"I'm joking it's a joke-"

"You said you didn't know anything" mum cuts me off and sternly says with her arms folded across her chest as she glares down at me making me dart my eyes to the floor too embarrassed to look her in her eyes.

"I don't know" I lie chewing the inside of my cheek hoping that she buys it but I know she won't I basically jus exposed myself.

"Stop lying since when are you a liar?" She questions me making me sigh. I feel like a hypocrite always calling out adults for lying and now look at me I've become one of them and I feel ashamed . I just want the ground to open up right now and swallow me up because this is so embarrassing.

"I'm sorry I just didn't wanna cause any drama" I apologise still refusing to look up at my mum as I glare hard at the floor knowing that she's still staring me down with probably a disappointed look on her face. I don't want her to be disappointed in me, I don't want her regretting keeping me.

"How long have you known?" She asks me making me sigh because I personally don't want to lie to her but I don't really want to discuss this either. I don't want them knowing that I know too much because they might feel like they can't trust me and I want them to trust me.

"2 weeks now" I answer still looking down at the floor. I can hear the gasps and whispers going on between mum and Jungkook and I just sigh knowing that I've really dug a hole for myself this time.

"But I only found out yesterday" she states with a surprised expression on her face. I look into her eyes biting my lips hoping that she can see in my eyes that I am sorry. I'm still surprised that she didn't notice her bizarre behaviour herself, I added one plus one weeks ago.

"Erm you missed your period and you were eating pancakes, you don't like pancakes" I tell her as I clear my throat. Her eyes open wide filled with surprise, she looks at Jungkook and he has the same look on his face as mum but Junae just sits there looking confused. It was so obvious she was just so out of character like being excited for that job promotion that she has never actually cared about.

"How do you even know what a period is?" She asks me and I just shrug my shoulders in response. I don't actually know what happens during a period I just know it happens once a month and it makes mum very sick.

"What's a period?" Junae asks looking confused and clueless at mum and Jungkook but they just look at each other waiting for one to speak up.

"Trust me baby you don't wanna know" Jungkook finally breaks the silence and pulls Junae closer to him as he places his arm around her shoulder. Is a period really that bad that Jungkook don't want Junae knowing?

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