Chapter 43: Support

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Jae POV:

"You can't marry Jae because she's contracted to marry me" Jimin blurts out throwing his arms in the air looking frustrated. The whole room goes silent, nobody even moves just trying to process the words that just came out of his mouth. I look up at Jungkook who is standing right next to me and he has his eyes wide open which can mean two possible things, number 1. He is shook or number 2. He is looking for an appropriate place to harm the person without killing them.

"DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING DIE!!!" Jungkook shouts before stepping forward prepared to charge at Jimin but I grab his arm and begin to pull him back but he's too strong so he just begins to drag me along with him.

"Jungkook Stop for crying out loud!" I exclaim causing him to stop dragging me along with him before grabbing my arm and pulling me off him trying his best to hide his anger away from me so he won't scare me.

"Why Jae-"

"Because she knows it's true" Jimin cuts him off with a cocky smirk on his face. Jungkook rolls his eyes before slowly turning back around to glare at Jimin.

"I swear I'll high kick you so hard that your jaw will make a 360 turn" he threatens as he clenches his jaw forcing me to hug him from behind trying to calm him down. I can feel his chest heaving up and down and it just upsets me because everything was fine all we wanted were for people to say congrats but instead we get this.

"Jungkook no high kicking and Jimin cut with the bs, I know you don't like me with Jungkook but fabricating lies is sad" I finally speak up really hurt about the whole situation and the last thing I want is for Jungkook to get arrested over a stupid lie.

"Ya know what's more sad? You lying-"

"How dare you call me a liar? I do not recall signing any contract with you or anybody!" I shout getting angry at him throwing Jungkook aside so I could get a real good look at Jimin whilst shouting at him. How dare he come here ruin my engagement then call me a liar.

"Oh Jimin I can't do this anymore I can't do this on my own, do you recall that?" He says in his feminine voice whilst giving me his judgment look. I pause for a second and think and then it hits me and it hits me so hard.

"...oh" is all I manage to say as I bite my nails looking down at the ground.

"Oh what Jae? Don't tell me you did this shit" Jungkook bombards me looking down at me as his nostrils flare waiting for my answer. I don't want to disappoint him I don't want to be the reason why we can't be together. I need to fix this because it's so stupid.

"But Jimin we were young and naive plus I was in a really bad-"

"No Jae, you were 18 the contract is valid" he interrupts me and says with his arms folded across his chest and all I can do is sigh and just not look at Jungkook. This is so stupid it was years ago and it was a very difficult time for me after Jungkook left and everything.

"Someone explain what the fuck is going on" Jungkook exclaims making me jump. I can tell by the look on his face that he is about to lose it if he doesn't get any answers and I don't want him making a scene when the kids are just outside.

"It was a hard time for me having two kids I literally thought I couldn't get the money I needed to repay Uncle and to be able to move out. I felt like a burden and I knew at the time Uncle couldn't afford to be taking care of all of us-"

"So you sign a contract with Jimin?!" He cuts me off as he frustratedly throws his arms up in the air scoffing at me but that isn't the full story. I would never just sign a contract just because I'm having a tough time I'm not that desperate.

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