Chapter 31: Foolery

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Jae POV:

I stand there is silence clinging onto my purse as I stare at the woman who I once hoped to call mother staring back at me. I haven't seen this woman in years not since the day I went looking for her at the strip club when I was 17. The sad thing is the only thing that I vividly remember on that day was breaking Jungkook's trust, I don't even remember the conversation that we had together. And now here she stands in front of me looking at me like she has seen a ghost and with my boyfriend calling her mum. Wait my boyfriend just called her mum, no this doesn't make any sense, there is no way that she is his and my mother because if that's the case then I've been dating my brother?

"Wait wait did you just call her your mother?" Mika asks me with his eyes wide open trying to catch my attention but I'm too focused on staring at my birth mother. She hasn't changed she looks the same but covered and she's lost weight, like a lot of weight but no wrinkles can be seen on her face.

"Yes" I answer back still trying to process everything that is happening right now.

"Jae that's so sweet, you're already calling my mum your mum" Mika smiles as he rubs my back making me mentally roll my eyes at his response. Is he dumb or just really slow at processing things?

"No Mika she is my mum" I tell him hoping that he understands what this means. I've been dating my brother, a brother who I never thought I had, a brother who I almost slept with! Thank the Lord for this revelation.

"Wow I'm loving the passion, yes Jae she will be your mother" he beams but he is the only person in this room smiling from ear to ear. I don't know whether he is in denial or he's genuinely confused either way I just want to get out of here.

"Mika this woman right here gave birth to me" I break it down for him slowly so that he can absorb all the words that have left my mouth. He looks down at me with his eyebrows furrowed whilst chewing onto his lips, I think he's caught on now.

"Wait are you trying to say that-"

"Yes son, she is your sister well half sister" Mary cuts him off and says making Mika gag. I don't know whether to feel offended or relieved that he's disgusted by this whole situation.

"What mum no you must be lying, is this some kind of sick joke? She does this sometimes you know hallucinate when she's off her meds" he tells me with a forced smile painted on his face and now for sure I know he's in denial which makes this whole situation a little bit more awkward. I can't even think straight right now all I can think about is how I was about to fuck my own brother and not because I wanted to but because I was angry at Jungkook. Jungkook made me almost fuck my brother.

"I'm on my meds" Mary responds rolling her eyes at him.

"And I'm pretty sure she's my mum" I finally speak up just dropping hints that we can't be together. Well at least now I have an excuse to leave him, I'm so pathetic I genuinely thought I could love him.

"But I love her mum, I can't leave her" he exclaims making me cringe at the word love. Love is a strong word, you only use it to the people who deserve it and I, I don't deserve his love.

"Well you have to since we're related, how sad" I try to break it to him in a nice way as I pat his back. I can see the tears building in his eyes making me cringe even more. Can I just leave please?

"This doesn't make any sense I thought I was an only child" Mika protests making me mentally roll my eyes. Why can't he just accept that we are related therefore cannot and will not be a couple!

"Well you was my first born but my grandmama took you away and raised you then I had Jae who got kidnapped by my best friend" Mary explains to both of us but I don't really care, I cut these people out of my life years ago and I plan on keeping it that way. Last time I checked Mary is a man stealing hoe who tried to take Jungkook from me too. No way am I letting her back into my life.

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