Chapter 33: Truth day

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Jae POV:

I'm not hiding anything from Lucas that he doesn't want to know, yes I've lied to him in the past but now I'm pretty sure that he has all the answers he wants. I tried to tell him about his birth parents but he didn't want to know anything about it. So to conclude, I have no idea what he is trying to accomplish here with this truth day instead of birthday. He took charge this year and told me and Jungkook to step back so we did. I dunno who he's invited and what the plans are for today, Lucas can be a very private boy when he wants to be. He's sent everyone an invitation with instructions such as show up at 4 or don't come at all and bring food or don't eat anything when you get here.

Right now it's almost 3:30pm and I still haven't figured out what to wear, he hasn't really put up a dress code which sucks. Why am I stressing over what to wear when there's a whole day dedicated to telling the truth? What could he possibly be up to?

"Mum, the cake is here" Lucas announces as he casually strolls into my room all dressed up. He's wearing blue skinny jeans and a white hoodie with the words 'don't talk to me' printed on the front, Uncle JB must've gotten it for him because I don't promote his antisocial behaviour.

"You ordered a cake? I thought you didn't want one" I question him feeling a bit confused because he clearly stated in numerous occasions that he wanted nothing fancy for his birthday including cake, maybe I read the signs wrong? But normally when Lucas doesn't want something then he doesn't want it.

"Jungkook ordered it so I was like sure why not?" He casually shrugs his shoulders catching me off guard at the mention of Jungkooks name. Since when have they been so close? I swear they hated each other a couple months ago and now they be texting and ordering cake together. Can't lie I'm a little jealous but happy that they are getting along.

"You and Jungkook pretty close" I tell him as I take out a casual blue dress from my closet, I'm probably just going to keep it simple. I doubt Lucas has invited that many people.

"Yeah tell me about it" Junae waltz into my bedroom with her arms folded across her chest glaring at her older brother. Well I've never seen her do that before, she's wearing the red dress Jungkook got for her and her leather jacket from Uncle JB.

"Junae if you have a problem, say it with your chest" Lucas states not looking too impressed with Junae's change in attitude. He walks past her not even given her a second glance before leaving the room and leaving me confused. Did I miss something?

"What's up with you two? You never argue" I ask Junae as soon as Lucas leaves the room. Knowing Junae, she's probably in the wrong, she isn't mature like Lucas and is quite stubborn like her mother which is an issue especially when you try to teach her.

"Well that was before he stole my dad" she clears her throat and flips her curls aside making me sigh. She's jealous? Of course she is, she's always wanted a dad and now she's scared of losing him.

"Are we seriously fighting over Jungkook right now? Is this what the world has become?" I question as I throw my arms in the air out of frustration, this cannot seriously be happening. This guy isn't that special, I promise.

"Why can't you just call Lucas' dad to make an appearance like Jungkook did?" She asks me like she doesn't give a care in the world making me sigh, I only wish she knew that life wasn't that simple.

"I can't" I answer her not even looking her in the eyes because I'm too ashamed to even think about what happened to you know who.

"Why?" She asks me as she shrugs her shoulders leaving me speechless. I can't lie since it's truth day and I can't really tell her that he's dead because well she's 7 and has no idea how the world works.

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