Chapter 32: Coincidence

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Jungkook POV:

There are many things that I regret about my past. Becoming Jae's friend, relying on Jae, leaving Jae, coming back to Jae, abusing Jae, loving Jae, leaving Jae again, leaving Junae and not getting to raise Lucas but what I regret the most is allowing that cunt Kai to abuse and manipulate Jae when I knew he was bad for her. If I wasn't such a dick at the time then maybe just maybe she wouldn't of fallen for Kai and we wouldn't of had to kill him. You know what they say, the past will always come back to haunt you and it has. I'd forgotten about Kai, the mention of his name boils my blood but I could be mistaken I mean there are millions of Kim Jongins on this plant.

The world is never that small.

"Dad can we go home now?" Lucas says snapping me out of my thoughts. I realise that I'm still in the teachers office clinging onto his hand which I was shaking, I look down at it embarrassed for freezing then I give him a quick smile.

"Sorry" I smile making him chuckle.

"It's fine, we all zone out you must be tired I understand" he reassures me with a smile on his face. This man is kind and respectful, he sees the best in people and wants people to succeed therefore there is no way he is related to that Jongin. I refuse to believe. "And Lucas you still have an hour of school left, you can't go home" he tells Lucas making him sulk.

"What's the point? My dad is already here" Lucas throws his arms in the air making Mr. Kim shake his head at him.

"You go back to class and I'll make your father a coffee whilst he waits for you to finish how does that sound?" Mr. Kim suggests to Lucas who is ready standing at the office door with his hand firmly on the door handle prepared to get the hell out of here and for once I agree with him skipping school. I don't wanna stay here for an hour with this man who is possibly Kai's brother. I'm just being paranoid.

"It sounds like bullshit that's what it sounds like" Lucas spits back with his arms folded across his chest catching Mr. Kim off guard making him clear his throat and stare Lucas down with a disappointed look in his eyes.

"Lucas! Language young man" I scold him as I glare down at him. He looks up at me surprised, well he's the one who said I was his dad therefore I'll act like I am.

"Whatever, this is already frustrating enough" he sighs before opening the office door and returning to his class with a frown on his face. I watch him walk to his seat as a little cute girl with two pigtails approaches him and he places his hand on her face before pushing her away from him.

"Sorry about that, he tends to have outbursts at times" I turn and return my attention to Mr. Kim with an apologetic look on my face. To my surprise he doesn't seem like he's that offended by Lucas' behaviour, which is a surprise because I hated the kid when I first met him.

"I can imagine" he responds as he boils the kettle leaving me confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask him with my arms folded across my chest trying to figure out whether he was insulting my parenting skills.

"No offence to you sir but he is missing a mother, no child is ever 100% without both of their parents. I suspect that Lucas acts out due to the absence of his mother which hurts him deeply but he refuses to confront that pain so conceals it thus leading to his outbursts" he blabbers on leaving me confused scratching the back of my neck. I pause for a moment trying to process all the words that have just come out of his mouth but I can't seem to make much sense of it. Is he saying Lucas is traumatised?

"Erm what?" I ask with a confused look on my face making him chuckle.

"Sorry don't mind me I studied psychology in Korea" he explains and I just nod my head in agreement. I already knew he was from Korea so that wasn't much information since I have this time with him maybe I can make him talk.

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