Chapter 45: Bonding

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Jae POV:

Things are going really well between me and Jungkook as in so good. It's just like those days where it was just me and him but this time with Junae and Lucas in the picture. I've never been so happy, I've never felt so alive in such a long time and it's making me regret pushing him away all this time. But can you even blame me? After what he did even if it was all one big misunderstanding it still killed me and hurt me but it made me stronger. I love him and hate him for the things he has done but I appreciate him for trying to mend things. Everything is going so well it's unreal, it's like we're a real family but I still cannot stop thinking about what Jin said. Lucas doesn't have any blood relations and I feel like he needs that and Jin isn't a bad guy, his heart is in the right place plus I'm worried he might go after custody.

I don't wanna risk losing Lucas.

He's not the most open of kids, he's not like the rest of them to be honest. And it is odd, it out of my expertise to judge his mental state only Jin can do that. He is after all Kai's son therefore he is a child of not one but two psychopaths but I still raised him meaning I shouldn't be worried but it never hurts to be on the safe side.

Jin has sent you a message

Jin: what time should I pick him up?

Me: around 2 if you don't mind, his cousin is over so they are pretty inseparable.

Jin: Yeah sure I understand

Jin: I can't wait to spend the day with him, thank you for trusting me enough to do this.

Me: I can see you genuinely care for him that's why I agreed.

Jin: I feel like a little kid, I'm getting all excited 😆

I giggle to myself at the little emoji that he sent me, just imagining him such a professional making that face.

"Who you texting that's got you smiling like that?" Jungkook asks as he tries to grab my phone out of my hand but I quickly move away from him before he could get his hands on it. He raises his eyebrows at me as if challenging me with his hands firmly on his hips making that annoying clicking sound with his tongue.

"None of your business" I tell him straight with my arms folded across my chest looking over at him with narrowed eyes trying to show him that I am not intimidated by him.

"Don't make me eat it out of you" he threatens as he licks his lips then looks me up and down leaving me confused.

"Eat it?" I question with my eyebrows furrowed.

"You know what I mean" he winks over at me making me roll my eyes in response. Why is everything that comes out of his mouth gotta be so sexual? Don't get me wrong I love it but not when the kids are around. This week already we've had sex about 9 times I think, I've lost count.

"Fine it's Jin-"

"You have got to be kidding me Jae-"

"No no I'm not cheating" I interrupt him before he could jump to conclusions. The last thing we want is another misunderstanding that messes up our relationship even more and I honestly just don't have time for that. I just want to be happy that's all.

"Pfft I know you ain't cheating, you love me too much" he confidently remarks brushing off the suggestion making me glare over at him. I place my hand on my waist and just kiss my teeth at him. "This is about Lucas isn't it? We can't trust this guy" he tells me making me sigh because I knew he was going to say that, I knew he wasn't going to agree with me and that's why I didn't mention it to him before. Don't get me wrong I was going to tell him, I no longer want to keep secrets I've learnt my lesson.

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