Chapter 7: Potential Love

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Jae POV:

"What?" Is all I manage to say as I look down at my startled daughter
who gives the cashier dirty looks making the lady smirk right back at her. It makes sense now, why would Junae ever refuse to have ice cream? It just doesn't add up. "Junie hun is that true?" I ask the nervous looking little girl.

"If I say yes, what will happen?" She asks me making me scoff at her. She damn well knows that she'll be punished, if you don't punish Junae then she'll start being a bitch. She gets too comfortable and thinks what she's doing is right.

"I'll beat your ass for lying" I sternly tell her with my hands firmly on my hips. I look at Lucas and he looks like he's done with life, I don't blame him he always has to deal with me and Junie's arguements. I should've known that my child was going to be vocal especially with my behaviour when I was younger.

"The cashier is lying I've never seen this shop in my entire life." She quickly responds with her little arms crossed and she doesn't even flinch or show a sign that she's lying. I hate the fact that she's getting better at lying.

"Excuse me kid but you was disrespectful so of course I remember you" the Cashier lady speaks up and points down at Junae who just rolls her eyes making the Cashier lady scoff at her actions.

"You is racist just because I'm black-"

"Sis I is black too" the cashier lady cuts Junae off looking slightly offended. Who taught her about using the race card? I hate it when people use it in unecessary circumstances.

"Yeah but I'm mixed with Korean so you is racist to Koreans" Junae spits back catching me off guard. Wait how does she know that she is Korean? I have never told her about her ethnicity because she never asked and frankly I didn't know what to tell her.

"Thats bullshit" the cashier lady kisses her teeth and shakes her head looking so done with Junae's attitude and trust me she's not the only one thats had enough.

"You said a bad word" Junae sticks her tongue out at the cashier lady.

"Because you making me angry"

"Not my fault you got a short temper-"

"Junae thats enough, thats not how you speak to your elders" I cut her off amd sternly look at her whilst trying to contain my anger. There is a line and Junae knows never to cross it so why all of a sudden is she acting up? Who spoiled her?

"But she aint that old, she looks 10" she talks back to me catching me off guard. I look down at her surprised and slightly hurt, she never takes it this far she normally apologises when shes in the wrong.

"Child I'm 34"

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes then kicks the counter and that was the last straw for me.

"Junae thats enough!" I shout making her jump and look straight up at me, Lucas just puts his earphones in and turns up the music on my phone. "That was rude and you damn well know aint nobody in my house rude, how dare you disrespect your elders and after I told you off too. Now thats just low, what has gotten into you?" I ask her surprised at her disrespectful behaviour.

"I'm sorry mummy for lying and I'm sorry Lady for being rude" she apologises then heads out towards the car with her head down making me sigh. I hate shouting at her especially in public but she needs to be told off otherwise she won't stop, she'll become spoilt.

"I've got this" Lucas sighs then follows his sister outside. I look up at the lady with an apologetic look on my face.

"I'm really sorry about that she's usually decent" I try to make a joke out of the whole situation, she gives me a faint smile then hands me Lucas' bubblegum ice cream.

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