Chapter 20: Caught in a lie

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Jae POV:

"Because I wrote the card" He answers me with his eyebrows furrowed looking slightly guilty. I stare at him with my eyes narrowed not knowing whether I should believe him or not, I mean why would he write the card? Its not even his handwriting so who is he covering for, I know he is lying for someone because the card was clearly written by an adult. He looks up at me as if waiting for my response but I don't know what to say, I just want to know how long he was standing there. Did he hear everything we said? That's the last thing I want, him knowing that Jungkook is Junae's dad, he hasn't even grown to like him yet so how would he accept him?

"No you didn't Lucas so I'm going to call the police" I tell him and he opens his eyes wide surprised at my response but I don't care, I know for a fact that he didn't write that card. I take out my phone again and begin to dial the number but Lucas quickly rushes over to me and hugs my leg before looking up at me with his lovely deep brown eyes.

"But mum please wait listen" he says as he pouts with his quivering lips forcing me to put my phone back into my pocket. He takes a deep breath then lets go of my leg as I fold my arms across my chest and tap my left foot on the floor waiting patiently for his explanation. "I did write the card it was all me" is all he says making me roll my eyes at him, at this rate I'm going to end up calling the police.

"Lukie why would you write the card?" Uncle JB speaks up and asks him with a puzzled look on his face. Everyone else in the room just waits patiently for his explanation, he looks at us all with a worried look in his eyes before shrugging his shoulders making me release a sigh. Why won't he talk?

"Because... because its what Junae always wanted" he finally answers whilst shrugging his shoulders but I know that, that is not the true reason. Call it a mother's intuition I just know that he isn't telling me something but why?

"I'm still calling the police" I threaten hoping that it'll encourage him to speak up and spill the beans. I pull out my phone from my pocket again and he opens his eyes wide and rushes over to me again with a pleading look in his eyes.

"What! Mum why? I just told you though" he exclaims looking up at me frustrated. Why is he frustrated? I should be the frustrated one because I know that he is hiding something and its not like him to be keeping secrets from me, fuck its not like him to be keeping secrets period. What's happening to him?

"Your ass is lying you didn't write the card Lukie, its not even your handwriting" I say as I pass the card over to him. He opens it up and looks at it whilst chewing the bottom of his lips looking nervous. After he finished reading it he looks up at me with a nervous smile on his face, he knows he has been caught out. He better tell me who he is lying for and why? There is no one close enough to him for him to lie for like this, he only does this for Junae.

"but... well... the thing is"

Few days before Junae's birthday  

Lucas POV:

Mum picked me up without Junae again. This exchange Junae thing is beginning to piss me off, I get to spend less time with her and I spend more time with my mum who I called a liar. I should've just kept my mouth shut like I usually do. I know what you're thinking 'Lucas why didn't you just hang out with Jungkook and Junae?' well you see the thing is I don't like Jungkook and I think I've made it fairly clear to him and my mum. Her birthday is coming up and honestly, I can't be bothered because I know Jungkook is going to be there and mum is still going to be lying, when will she ever tell the truth? But my present for Junae is going to hopefully stir things up a bit at home, I really hope this works out.

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