Chapter 34: Leave me alone

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Lucas POV:

I think my idea for my birthday was amazing, I should get an award I basically ended world war 3 with just one simple birthday gift. I knew mum and Jungkook weren't on the same wavelength but they were both too stubborn to actually talk about the whole cheating business. I knew Jungkook didn't cheat on mum, I mean the guy basically worships the ground she walks on, he didn't even care that she had a boyfriend he still told her he wanted her. But mum of course being her guarded stubborn self only wants to see the bad in Jungkook, yeah he's a bad guy but he's good well when it comes to her he is. I feel like the story should end here but for some reason mum and Jungkook have been acting fishy lately, whispering to each other but maybe I'm being paranoid.

The story has ended here, nothing else needs to happen.

"Lukie, honestly tell me is mummy and daddy dating?" Junae asks me as we walk down towards the school gate. Today Auntie Kimmy dropped us off and when she drops us off she drops us off near the school gate because she always causes some trouble with the dads.

"I dunno maybe" I shrug my shoulders not really caring that much. She looks up at me whilst gripping onto her school bag biting her lips. I can tell she wants to tell me something but I'm not gonna force it out of her.

"I'm sorry for being a b word, I was jealous" she finally has the balls to apologise making me smile to myself. This is the first time Junae has ever apologised to me well mainly because she's never done anything to upset me.

"I know but I don't hate you Junie after all you are my sister" I smile down at her before wrapping my arm around her shoulder and walking into school with her. I missed her annoying ass, yes she can be a pain but she is the only constant thing in my life.

"Good, I thought I lost you for a second" she beams then gives me s quick kiss on the cheek forcing me to wipe my cheek and push her aside out of annoyance. She knows I hate any sign of affection which is probably why she did it.

"Yo yo yo my name is KJ" KJ comes outta nowhere throwing gang signs and walking with a limp, maybe he thinks he's a gangster. He's wearing black jeans and yellow shirt with a black backpack on his back making me look at him confused.

"KJ? What are you doing here?" I ask him as I stare down at the mini Uncle JB, he doesn't pay much attention to my question because he's too preoccupied with fixing his curls.

"I go school here, today is my first day" he beams making me and Junae look at each other then back at KJ.

"Wait but I thought you were only visiting" I tell him confused to why he's enrolling school all the way over here when he has a home with his mum and fake dad. Wait does mum know about this? She won't be happy to hear that grandma is going to be staying here for a while.

"No, dad says I'm staying with him" he answers leaving me even more confused. Why would he being staying with Uncle? Does that mean grandma is gone? So did she and her husband not get back together? Ah I should just leave it and not look too deep into this. I wonder how Uncle is dealing with this? How does he go to his chocolate factory when KJ is around.

"Oh ok cool" Junae smiles not really looking too deep into the situation. We all begin to walk into the school premises together kicking rocks and singing under our breath.

"So, where are all the pretty honeys?" KJ breaks the silence as he begins to look around the school playground where all the kids are chatting waiting for the school bell to ring so we can go to class. Since Junae and KJ are the same age they'll be in the same class, well good luck to her because the kid loves to talk.

"Unbelievable" Junae rolls her eyes and folds her arms across her chest.

"Don't worry Junae you're my main chick" KJ winks catching Junae off guard and begin to cough making me laugh at her reaction. Yep KJ is definitely Uncles child.

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