Chapter 11: Insecure

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Jae POV:

"Bitch you really wanna play that game" I kiss my teeth and glare at the pretty European looking girl standing at the bottom of the stairs. She scoffs at me then flips her hair aside before shuffling closer to Jungkook.

"It's not a game if there is only one player" she smirks at me making me put my hands into a tight fist. I don't like the way she's looking at me like I'm some dirty gum under her shoe, I hate the fact that she looks like a Goddess in her floral dress and I look like trash in my shirt and shorts. I feel so ugly and insecure and I hate that.

"Glad you acknowledge that I have no competition here" I confidently say not really knowing what I'm saying I just don't like to lose especially to pretty white girls. I look at Jungkook and he has a smug look on his face making me roll my eyes.

"Who even are you? Coming down the stairs wearing Jungkook's clothes" she points at my clothing making me look down at my outfit confused. I'm wearing an oversized t shirt that I've had for years so I understand why she is mistaken.

"Erm I'm a friend of Jungkook's and these are my clothes" I respond and she just rolls her eyes at me as if I'm lying about something. Anyway who even is she to be worried about Jungkook's clothes?

"No Jae that T shirt is mine, been looking for it for years" Jungkook giggles forcing me to look down at the T shirt in shock.

"Oh... erm my bad" I apologise feeling slightly embarrassed. Junae looks up at me confused as if waiting for an explanation but I just avoid all eye contact with her.

"Jacy as you can see I have guests" Jungkook speaks up as he gives her a look but she just glares at him and crosses her arms not looking amused.

"Jungkook you are not kicking me out on our date night" the pretty girl who I now know is called Jacy whines with a frown on her face and I'm not even going to lie she looked really cute. I mean she's hot like smoking hot and I'm just there.

"I promise we'll do something tomo-"

"No Jungkook I didn't come here to intrude so please go" I quickly cut him off before he could cancel his plans with her. He looks at me surprised but I don't want to invade his personal life just like how I don't want him to invade mine.

"No no-"

"What do you mean no no? Some bitch comes here and you're throwing  your best friend of 5 years away?" Jacy interrupts him making him roll his eyes at her. So they've been friends for 5 years which means they met in Germany but why didn't they date? I mean she's a very attractive girl and Jungkook is also easy on the eye so why aren't they a thing? Maybe they were.

"My mum is not a bitch" Lucas speaks up and glares at Jacy making me smile at my little boy.

"Even though I don't like you, why don't we just have a dinner together because I don't want you to take Jungkook away." Junae says as she walks down the stairs and walks towards Jungkook before hugging his leg. He looks down at her with a massive smile on his face, I hate the fact that they look good together.

"Does everybody like Chinese?" Jungkook asks and everyone cheers including Lucas.

30 minutes later

Waiting for the food to arrive felt like forever. Nobody said anything to each other we just gave each other awkward glances, the kids on the other hand were glued to the TV watching one of their favorite shows leaving me alone with Jungkook and Jacy. There were times where I felt left out especially when Jungkook and Jacy would communicate with each other using their eyes as if I wouldn't notice, but I did. I'm not jealous, well I shouldn't be because I'm the one who told him to move on therefore I should be happy that he has other people in his life but did he have to have a beautiful girl like her in his life? As soon as the food came Jacy set up the table since she knows where Jungkook keeps all his plates and I just got the kids ready trying to get away from being around those two. 

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