Chapter 21: Not Needed

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Lucas POV:

This is not what I wanted, this is not what I planned. The plan was to make mum tell the truth, to tell Junae that Jungkook is her dad and then there would be no more lying and we wouldn’t have to worry about Jungkook taking Junae away all the time. I wouldn’t have to worry about Jungkook taking Junae away. But instead things escalated the things that I was trying to avoid happened, I didn’t want mama knowing that I knew that she wasn’t actually my mama, I didn’t want anyone to know I knew. I just wanted to live my life knowing that I'm not her son but feeling comfortable around her and Junae because she thinks I don’t know. Now I’ve ruined it, why did I have to open my big mouth? This is why I stay quiet because I know too much, I've heard too much and I've seen too much. Things aren’t going to go back to the way that they were, are they?

I've ruined it all.

“Lukie look what you’ve done you killed mum!” Junae cries as she rushes over to mum who is lying unconscious on the cold floor. Everything happened so quickly I don’t even remember seeing her fall, did she even fall? I was just so angry, angry of all the lying and angry at the whole situation. I didn’t mean to hurt mum, that’s the last thing I want to do.

“She’s not dead” I mumble as I sit onto the fall and hug my legs beginning to regret everything that I have done today. Mum was right, I needed to go upstairs and think about what I have done because what I've done is terrible. I'm a terrible person.

“I’m calling the ambulance-”

“Don’t bother she’s on her period” Jungkook interrupts auntie Kimmy who has her phone in her hand looking extremely worried. Jungkook lifts up mummy from the floor and gently places her onto the sofa before taking off her shoes and covering her with a blanket.

“And you know this because?” Jungkook’s annoying ass girlfriend asks, I should hate her but I don’t I can see how much she loves and cares for Jungkook which is why she asks like such a dick towards my mum. She sees my mum as a threat and knows she can never take her place, I feel sorry for her.

“Can everyone just leave? Bambam help Jackson call an uber and I'll deal with Jae” Jungkook instructs as he begins to wipe the sweat off my mum’s forehead.

“And I should leave you alone with her because?” Uncle Bambam asks him with his arms folded across his chest. It makes me laugh how Uncle Bam hates Jungkook for leaving mum even though he low key did the same, he left mum to raise two kids alone with Uncle JB, one kid wasn't even hers.

“Bam trust him” Uncle JB pats Uncle Bambam on the shoulder and with that Uncle Bambam leaves the room with Uncle Jackson as they begin to gather the kids. Everyone else leaves throwing glances over at mum lying on the sofa with worried looks on their faces and its all my fault. Junae glares at me from the corner of the room as if waiting to attack, she probably hates me.

“No offense but I'm her boyfriend don’t you think I should be the one to stay?” Mika asks Jungkook trying to look like the caring boyfriend and no offense to him he is a caring boyfriend and all but she doesn’t love him as much as he loves her. He's wasting his time trying to get a girl who is blinded by her first love.

“No point you wouldn’t know what to do” I mumble but loud enough for him to hear with my head down not wanting to make any eye contact with anybody. I hear Jungkook chuckle before hearing the door shut forcing me to look up and see that he actually left. “A true boyfriend would’ve stayed none the less” I say as sigh and begin to play with my hands.

“Jacy you should go too, I'll see you at home-”

“But Jungkook-”

“Just leave” I cut her off knowing that whatever she was going to say wasn’t going to make Jungkook change he’s mind, it was better off hearing it from me then from him. She looks at me surprised but then picks up her bag and leaves the house, Jungkook gives me a suspicious look before returning his attention to mum.

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