Chapter 22: Don't leave me

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This song suits this Chapter so much lol

Lucas POV:

Its been two days since Junae's birthday and nothing feels the same. Junae hardly talks to us and she never smiles as much as she used to, mummy says that we should just give her some space and let her cool down but I think she's being a bit on the dramatic side. Yes, Jungkook lied to her but so did mum so why isn't she giving mum the same energy that she is giving Jungkook? I'm not saying that she should rebel against mum but that she should at least treat Jungkook with some respect, I mean he is her dad after all. Don't get me wrong I still hate the guy, all he does is hurt the people he loves and I knew he was gonna hurt Junae one way or another but at least the man is trying. Everyone has just gone back to acting normal as if nothing has happened, Uncle JB still takes us out like he used to, sometimes we even go to Johnny's house like the old days but it doesn't feel the same. Everyone is just trying so hard to move on it almost seems fake and I hate that, I want Junae to annoy me like she used to, I want mum to be angry at me whenever I talk back like she used to. Maybe if Junae just gives Jungkook a chance then everything will get better.

"Junae can I come in?" I ask as I stand outside her bedroom door and wait for her to respond. Every day after school she just marches straight upstairs and states that she has a lot of homework to do. I know she's lying because I sometimes walk by her room and see her staring at the ceiling.

"Whatever" she mumbles but loud enough for me to hear. I step inside her room and find her lying on her bed with her hands behind her head whilst staring at the ceiling. I sit beside her on her bed and begin to swing my legs waiting for her to break the silence. "What do you want?" she sighs.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that Jungkook was your dad but it really wasn't my place to say" I finally speak up too embarrassed to look her in her eyes so I just watch my fiddling hands hoping that she would forgive me. I didn't realise that keeping the secret from Junae made me as bad as mum and Jungkook and now because of that she doesn't trust me the way she used to.

"Whatever" she responds not evening looking at me but keeping her eyes firmly on her bedroom ceiling.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I just thought you deserved to hear it from him yourself" I add trying my best to let her know that I had no choice and that it was the best thing I could do for her at the time.


"Seriously Junae? Can you just grow up for once, you're being so dramatic for no damn reason" I scoff slightly getting annoyed at her for not taking this seriously. Its as if I am the only one who is trying right now and all she seems to care about is herself and how she's hurt, news flash darling everyone is hurting but she too selfish to realize just like her father.

"You done now?" she sits up on her bed and crosses her legs before looking at me and asking with absolutely no emotion written on her face making me roll my eyes at her.

"No" I tell her making her sigh and flop back on her bed. She begins to kick her legs frantically as if throwing a tantrum and I just wait for her to calm down before I can continue talking. "I think you should give Jungkook a chance" I say as soon as she stopped throwing her tantrum.

"No thanks I'm good" she declines making me sigh. I knew she was going to be stubborn because she never likes to listen to anyone else's side of the story as long as she believes that she is in the right.

"What you said was wrong Junie, you shouldn't have compared him to Uncle JB or his friend and you shouldn't of called him a disappointment either" I tell her off but she doesn't move or say anything for a while. I understand that she was hurt so she wanted to hurt Jungkook the same way making her as bad as him.

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