Chapter 42: Announcement

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Jae POV:

I still can't believe that I've agreed to get married to Jungkook like a whole marriage meaning he's gonna be in my life forever, well unless he decides to abandon me again. For the first time I have to back down and admit that Jungkook is right, we've known each other for years, we've been through it all and we've managed to come out stronger than ever. I've just been too stubborn to admit that I do love him and there's no one else that I'd rather be with despite all the shit he's put me through. He's hurt me the most but he's also loved me the most, he knows me more than anyone and the best part of all of this is that the kids love him even Lucas and that says a lot. We are actually doing this, we are actually getting married and I've never been so excited.

"Mum, since you're marrying dad we need to have a party" Junae waltz into my office with a book and pen in her hands wearing her fake glasses with a smile on her face. I turn my chair and face my little girl confused to why she looks so serious.

"A party?" I question her as I cross my arms across my chest and look down at my little girl. She pulls out a seat and sits down before crossing her leg over the other.

"Yes an engagement party where you tell people that you're getting married" she states as she places her notebook on her lap. I personally don't want to have a party, I don't want a fuss I just want it to be simple because when its big something bad always happens.

"Ah sweety there is no need-"

"So me and Lucas have sent invitations already but don't worry people don't know yet what the party is about" she cuts me off catching me off guard. I slap my forehead thinking about who they could of possibly invited and why they did this without my permission.

"You and Lucas did what?" I question her with my eyes wide open surprised at the words that I've just left her mouth.

"It was mainly her, I just licked the envelopes" Lucas comments as he shrugs his shoulders and leans on my office door just making me sigh. Now I have no choice but to have this stupid party.

"Don't worry we just invited people we like and it's tomorrow at dad's house" Junae casually tells me almost giving me a heart attack. I look at my little girl waiting for her to say that she's joking but she never does instead she gets up from her seat and puts her notebook and pen down and walks over to Lucas at the door.

"What so now I have to plan a party in one day?" I ask looking down at them both with my eyes narrowed slightly annoyed that they have planned all of this without asking whether I was interested or not.

"Yep" they both say in unison with big smiles in their faces. I should tell them no and just text everyone they invited that it's cancelled but I can't because I've never seen my kids smile so brightly like they have today.

"You can plan it with dad" Junae says making me roll my eyes at her. Jungkook and planning just don't go together in a sentence. He doesn't even like cake so how is he gonna plan a party?

"Your dad is shit at planning" I tell her straight making them both look at each other and make a face at each other then looks back over at me.

"Tell me how you really feel" Jungkook exclaims as he walks into my office making me look at him confused. What is he doing here? And how did he know to come? "Junae called me" he answers my questions for me without me even asking making me smile at him.

"Me and Lucas are going to hang with KJ" Junae announce making me return my attention to her. She begins to put on her shoes and coat.

"Wait who's dropping you off?" I ask her knowing damn straight she has not asked me to take her to Uncles and she didn't even ask me if she could go, both of them didn't ask. They both leave my office making me scoff at them.

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