Chapter 5: Leave

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Jae POV: 

Getting the kids ready was so long, especially Junae who didn't want to wear her dress but wanted to wear her joggers. Lucas was just giving me attitude for putting him in a damn suit and gave me silent treatment because he too didn't want to go. We got ready at Uncle JB's house since the kids were already there and they just kept on whispering to each other and looking at us as if they are up to something. I know they are up to something, they always are.

"Uncle are you coming?" Junae asks him with a big smile on her face and starts to bat her eyelashes trying to act cute. She only does that when she wants something from someone, so what does she want?

"Not this time, I have a erm meeting with a erm client" he lies to them with a fake smile on his face. Well its not a complete lie he is having a meeting but an R rated meeting with one of his chocolate things. I really do wish that Uncle finds somebody because he does deserve to be happy.

"Is it another meeting with the chocolate factory?" Lucas asks him making me turn to face Uncle with my eyes wide open shocked at the fact that he used that metaphor to explain his meetings to my kids. He looks down at Lucas and nods his head. "Can I work at the chocolate factory?" Lucas asks and I begin to choke on air.

"No but maybe when you're older" Uncle winks at the little boy then bumps fists with him making Lucas have a smirk on his face identical to Uncle's.

"I hate the fact that their smirks resemble each other" I sigh and cross my arms looking at the two. Next to me stood a confused looking Junae who crosses her arms as well trying to look like her mama.

"So they look like each other?" She murmurs with her thinking face on making me look down at her confused. Why is she talking to herself and why is she thinking so hard like there is something on her mind?

"Aite get in the car you're already late" Uncle speaks up and picks up Lucas as he heads towards the door. I look down trying to find Junae so I can ask her what she's talking about but by the time I look down she's already gone, skipping towards Uncle's car. I put the kids in their car seats then I hop into the front and Uncle begins to drive us towards the party. Throughout the journey the kids were mumbling stuff to each other which is weird because normally they annoy me. As soon as we get to the venue, I take out my phone and see all the missed calls from Mr. Bossman making me sigh.

"Uncle can you take the kids to the food court, I needa find this dickhead" I ask and he just nods his head before escorting the kids into the hall. I climb up the stairs and I see a tall figure waiting for me at the door, my smile grows when I realize its Mika waiting for me.

"You look amazing" he says as he looks me up and down with a smile on his face showing his bright white teeth, damn do I love his smile.

"Tell me something I don't know" I flip my hair then walk into the hall. Everything looks good and everyone looks good as well. I take out my camera and I begin to take various photos of people, I see Mika talking to a man and for some reason I begin to take pictures of the man, something about him seems so mysterious but familiar.

"Hey Jae, Lucas is in the toilet and Jae messed up her dress" Uncle tells me taking me outta my zone. I roll my eyes at the thought of Junae's dress ruined but then again I'm not surprised. After that I say my goodbyes to Uncle before heading towards the dance floor where I start looking for Mr. Bossman but I can't seem to find him.

"Hey Jae, you look absolutly stunning as usual" I hear Johnny's voice forcing me to give him a fake smile, I'm still pissed off at him for what he said to the kids even though I feel like its partly my fault for leading him on. "By the way I saw Junae speaking to some guy I dunno if you-"

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