Chapter 4: Taste of your own medicine

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Jae POV: 

I still can't believe that I went out with a guy that I had just met. What has gotten into me? Usually when guys ask me out for a coffee I shut them down completely or I just make up an excuse but when Mika asked me I don't know I just saw his bright smile and decided to go with him. But as usual I was careful, I don't give people all of me anymore, I only give them half of me and when I think they are worthy and to be trusted I let them see all of me. Mika seems nice anyways unlike his rude boss who keeps on texting me asking me if I am ready for the launch. Just talking to Mika lifted my spirits and I could tell that he liked me not trynna gloat but he couldn't even look me in the eyes it made me feel special, I haven't felt that way in a while however, I'm not going to jump into his arms. 

"So I leave you alone with my mans for 5 seconds and already you sucking his dick?" Kimmy says to me with her arms crossed looking down at me as I spin in my office chair trying to hide my smile. She hits my arm causing me to look at her with a clueless expression on my face. "Really bitch? This one guy has you feeling like this?"  

"No, yes, I dunno I just haven't felt this way since..." I pause and realize what I was about to say causing my smile to disappear. Ever since Junae brought up her dad I have been randomly thinking about him bringing me on the verge of tears. 

"Since your baby daddy who broke your heart so badly that you now allergic to love?" Kimmy questions with her eyebrows up, I nod my head making her sigh. Kimmy doesn't know much about Jungkook I just told her he was a dickhead who cheated on me and left me with two children, she doesn't know that he was the love of my life. "Men are trash, sis I thought we established this" 

"Yes, now about this launch tonight the boss man is instructing me that the color scheme for my magazine should be gold and black because that's the scheme for the launch party" I complain to her but she just rolls her eyes at me as if I'm over reacting. I am not being dramatic this is my magazine with my name on it therefore aint nobody gonna tell me what to do. 

"Yo Jae am I picking up the kids or nah?" Uncle JB walks into my office without knocking. The moment he walks into the office the look on Kimmy's face changes, she fixes her dress then smooths her hair before clearing her throat.  

"Erm you can pick them up actually because I think I'm going to work till late trying to organize for this party, did you get my dress?" I ask him and he nods his head making me smile at him. I always feel blessed to have Uncle JB in my life, I don't know what I'll do without him. 

"Hey so erm JB is your fine ass coming to the launch?" Kimmy asks him as she looks him up and down. 

"Nah I have an appointment with Mercedes" he winks at her causing her to grab her chest and gasp. "Aright Jae Imma go" he looks at me and waves and I wave back whilst trying to calm Kimmy down. This always happens when they meet, she ends up having a malfunction. 

"I swear that man is gonna be the death of me" she whines as she begins to fan herself making me laugh at her extra ass. "What?" She asks me and I just shrug my shoulders. . 

"Don't worry you can first dibs on the dickhead boss man coming from Germany" I tell her as I rub her back. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes and with a pout on her face. 

"You promise" she sticks out her pinky finger for me to link with. 

"Trust me sis you can have him" 

Junae POV: 

I have made a new friend and she's older than me which makes this even more cool because now I can start fights with whoever I want to and she'll just come to my rescue. Lucas won't be happy because he's trying to keep me away from trouble but I can't help it, its in my blood he just got lucky and probably inherited dad's calm manner. Wait was my dad a calm guy? Well he must've been if Lucas is such a nice boy. I don't like the kids in my class, they are too childish and always tell me off when I say a 'bad word' these kids think damn is a bad word, I wish In Ha was in my class, she understands me and is basically a taller, lighter and older version of me. 

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