Chapter 29: In my feelings

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Jungkook POV:

Can't even lie, that was the best thing that has happened to me since getting to know Junae as my daughter. I knew she was still in love with me, I knew that I still had something over her but I didn't act on it correction I didn't want to act on it because I was afraid that I might hurt her again and risk not only losing her but Junae and even Lucas. I probably shouldn't of done what I did, shouldn't of kissed her but there she was in my arms smelling like she does, looking irresistible like she always does and I could feel her being vulnerable in my arms and I loved it. I loved smashing her weak body against the wall and dominating over her, at that moment I realised how much exactly she craved my touch and affection.

She wants me just as much as I want her.

However knowing how stubborn and stupid and at times naive Jaelyn Carter is I know for a fact that she will not crave in, she will not allow me to win because she has a point to prove. She said she doesn't want me and now I've come to know that she does I plan on using it to my advantage. I won't pursue her, I will act like I've lost interest because knowing Jae there's one thing she hates more than loving me and that's not being loved by me.

I fix up my hair then wipe Jae's lip balm off my lips before smiling to myself recalling the events that just happened. I climb down the stairs and see Mika holding Junae in his arms with Jae smiling from ear to ear probably feeling extremely guilty inside and when Jae feels guilty she does the most. She's not gonna break up with Mika, she's gonna say it was a mistake and it won't happen again and fair enough it won't happen again unless she wants it to.

"Jungkook, you're still here" Mika says as he kisses his teeth and gives me a forced smile. At the sound of my name just like I suspected Jae twitches and refuses to turn around to face me, boy am I going to love this. I walk down the stairs and walk straight past Jae slightly brushing her shoulder as if it was by accident.

"Of course I am where else would I be?" I ask Mika as I comfortably sit on the sofa and cross my legs with a cheesy grin on my face.

"Erm he'll be leaving soon" Jae stutters as she scratches the back of her head still avoiding to look me in the eyes, this is so predictable.

"In matter of fact I'll be leaving today, Taehyung has found a house for me nearby" I lie causing Jae to lift her head up and look down at me with confusion in her eyes. Taehyung found a house for me ages ago but I just didn't want to leave here because well you know I got too comfortable but I guess I might need it now.

"Daddy are you leaving because of me?" Junae asks me with a frown on her face making me feel guilty. I look across the room and see Lucas with his arms folded shaking his head, he probably knows what I'm doing, he always does.

"No honey I'm leaving because of your mother" I simply say as I look up at Jaelyn who looks down at her feet. She really is acting strange isn't she? "I don't want to make anyone feel...uncomfortable" I smile to myself making Jae release a small chuckle. Mika looks at us both then forces a smile before putting Junae down.

"Let's order some pizza" Mika suggests looking at us all. Yeah having pizza and sitting down together on the table will be so much fun especially since I have his girlfriend wrapped around my finger. What could possibly go wrong?

"As if pizza gonna make this less awkward" Lucas mutters making me smile and pull him into me before messing up his hair.

"What?" Jae asks forcing us to both look up at her.

"Nothing" we both say in unison before making our way into the kitchen. Mika orders the pizza and we all sit down on the table and wait. Jae and Mika of course are lost in their own conversation and I myself am too preoccupied on Lucas and Junae pretending that I don't care about Jae. Even though I'm not engaged in their conversation I'm still sitting next to Jae. I place my hand under the table and gently squeeze her thigh causing her to jump.

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