Chapter 16: Lies lies and more lies

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Jungkook POV:

"why do people keep calling me your daughter?" Junae looks up at me with her eyebrows furrowed and her little arms folded over her chest. I begin to think about how I can answer this question and then I realize that the only right way to do this is by telling her the truth. But I'm not ready for the truth and I doubt she'll be ready for it to, I just want her to be comfortable around me first then I'll tell her.

"Jungkook you're a bit mean for leaving me out especially since I was the one who used to watch her for you damn she's grown-"

"Taehyung she's not my daughter" I give him a stern look trying to tell him to keep his mouth shut and just drop the whole subject. The last thing I want is for him to be spilling out secrets that he's not meant to and for her to find out that I am her dad through Taehyung.

"Erm yes she is, dude it's a bit bad of you to not be able to recognize your own daughter" he responds with a disappointed look on his face making me roll my eyes at him. Taehyung has a big mouth always has and always will so if he continues to blab I'm going to have to do a lot of explaining to Junae later on and I'm just not good when it comes to explaining.

"Tae she's my friend's daughter I'm just babysitting" I try to lie but by the look on his face I can tell that he isn't buying it and instead of leaving like I want him to he grabs a chair and sits down before beginning to admire Junae in my arms.

"Well then your friend kidnapped your daughter because that is her" he smiles as he points over at Junae then pokes her nose making her jump. She looks up at me with a confused facial expression on her face and I can tell that she wants me to explain to her what's going on right now but I don't have the answer to that so I begin to avoid her gaze.

"Why are you over complicating this?" I ask him with a pleading look on my face so he can get the hint that he is making my life more complicated than it already is but then again he is Taehyung and he doesn't read faces.

"I'm not, you're the one who's disowning his daughter in front of her. That's just cold" he throws his hands up in the air causing me to slap my forehead due to his extra behavior. I'm not disowning Junae and I don't want her to feel like I am either, when I tell her that I'm her dad I don't want her to feel as if she was unwanted but like she was loved.

"I'm not disowning her"

"I'm surprised the baby mama even let you hang out with her especially after what you did" he blurts out forcing me to dart my eyes at him. Why did he have to bring up Jae? I pray that he doesn't drop her name because if he drops her name then its game over.

"Tae shut up-"

"What did he do?" Junae cuts me off and asks Taehyung catching me off guard. All this time she has just been silent probably just absorbing all of the information which I have to lie about later on when Tae has gone. Why is he even still here?

"Well he cheated on her but not exactly cheated on her and then he abandoned them both" Tae explains to Junae and she just nods her head not even looking up at me. She's probably disgusted and disappointed by my actions but I was still young, I didn't know what was right and wrong in those days the only thing I saw and cared about was Jae and I thought leaving her was for the best.

"Yes but that was because I thought she was better off without me" I try to defend myself but she still refuses to look up at me, she just begins to fiddle with her fingers on the table as if she's lost in her own thoughts.

"No one is better off without their dad, not really" she mumbles but I manage to hear her making me sigh. If I knew that this is how she's been feeling all these years then I would've come back sooner. But I still have time to make up for the time that I have missed and I want to be here for her, I really do.

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