Chapter 46: Slacking

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Jae POV:

I have decided that we should have a family dinner and no I don't mean ordering pizza and watching Lucas and Junae argue about some dumb thing that happened in school. By family dinner I mean I cook a big feast and invite our family round as we all dress up and exchange our plans for the future. I know it sounds stupid but it's just something that I have always wanted to do but I never got the chance to and now I feel like I'm at the right stage in my life where I've matured enough to host a family dinner. I'm excited I'm not going to lie, I've been doodling on my notebook what I should cook up this evening even though I should be planning my next meeting with this very big rich investors.

"Jae, Ms. Carter have you been listening?" My boss questions snapping me out of my thoughts, I look up and give him an innocent smile not knowing how to answer his question. He sighs at me before throwing over a document, "get it done by tomorrow or you're off the project" he threatens glaring down at me. I nod my head as I get up from my seat and leave his office with the document in my hands. I head towards my office with my co workers watching me, whispering amongst themselves. I know what they are saying, they've been saying it for a while now but I won't let them get to me.

"Jae, you're losing your game and everyone is talking about it" Kimmy scolds me as she follows me into my office and closes the door behind her. I place the documents down on my desk and let out a heavy sigh, feel like shouting and pulling my hair out. This isn't like me, I never zone out during meetings and I definitely never get scolded by Kimmy unless I'm not having fun.

"I know" I agree with her before falling into my chair and staring at the ceiling. Everything seems to be weighing down on me, I've been so distracted lately I've been making silly mistakes at work. I have a reputation that I need to maintain but right now I've been losing my game.

"You deserve that promotion but at this rate snobby Livi Deacon is going to get it and that just can't run sis" Kimmy continues to tell me off making me bury my head in my hands. She's right, I have worked way too hard for the past years for me to look good in my bosses eyes and I cannot afford to be caught slacking at the last hurdle and if Livi gets this promotion she will rub it in my face so much that I think I'll have to kill the bitch. "No offence Jae but ever since you and Jungkook-"

"Don't worry, I won't slack anymore ok" I cut her off and reassure her but she gives me that you sure about that look making me sigh. I don't want this to be a situation where I have to chose between my love life and career because everything is going so well.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies but I came to drop off some food for my baby mama" Jungkook walks into my office with a plastic bag filled with what I'm guessing is Chinese food just from the smell. How did he know I was craving Chinese? I get up from my desk and rush over to him with my arms open wide before embracing him into a hug.

"You shouldn't have" I beam as I grab the bag out of his hands and start looking through the bag of food.

"Yeah you shouldn't have, we literally have a cafeteria" Kimmy sassily remarks as she rolls her eyes at him with her hand firmly on her waist. She glares at me with her eyebrows up making me sigh. I know what that look means, that's her I told you so look.

"Yeah well it's my break time and I thought I could treat the love of my life is that a problem" Jungkook speaks up then plants a kiss on my forehead but I'm too busy unpacking the food for me to be paying him any attention. I didn't even know I was this hungry until he came here with food man.

"Yeah it is since the love of your life is slacking at work and is about to miss her big time promotion that she's been working on getting since she was 19 so" Kimmy retaliates making me dart my head over to her and give her the really look, angry that she just told him that after I specifically told her that I had everything under control.

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