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His eyes scanned the light source methodically, his eyebrows ever so slightly downturned. You would have to look closely to see his portrayal of emotion. Bang PD nim had posted their post-dance practise photo that they had taken on a whim, nothing special. Except the fans didn't think so.

Isn't Suga getting really chubby? He used to be fine but he's been packing it on lately

Yoongi is really fat he should shed a few pounds..... you can clearly see the difference between him and everyone else


Guess who needs to lose a few pounds?? Someone named Min Yoongi!!


Yoongi really needs to go on a diet.....


Yoongi ruined the picture everyone else is slim but he is just chubby

I mean yeah, they would get hate comments all the time, but only few were aimed at him. If anything he stayed in the background most of the time, no one really paid him any mind.

Min Yoongi POV
I walk to the bathroom after reading all the comments on the newest Instagram post of BTS, making sure to lock the door behind me. Was it really true? I knew I gained a little but I didn't think it was that bad. I lift up my shirt and for the first time I see something other than a normal, pale stomach.

Belly fat. Even if it was just a pouch, it didn't seem like it. I lift up my pants. Leg fat. I pull my sleeves up. Arm fat. My chin. Why haven't I ever noticed a double chin? My cheeks. Chubby.

I am fat.

Why didn't I notice before?

I remember we have scales next to the sink. I've never thought about weighing myself before, it never crossed my mind.

I step on the scale.

61.2 kg
(134.94 lbs)

I am fat.

"Hey Yoongs we gotta go to dance practice get out!" The muffled yelling and repetitive knocking pulled me out of my train of thought.

"I'll be out in a sec!" I replied through the locked door.

I quickly pull down my sleeves and unlock the door before stepping out and following Namjoon to the car with the rest of the group.

Of course the subject not leaving my head, I pull out my phone, searching for quick ways to lose weight quickly. Most websites say diets or intermittent fasting. I go with out sleep all the time, what's the same with food?

I could skip breakfast. A small voice in the back of my head urging me to do the same. I jump in the car, ignoring the bangers as I rest my head on the head of the seat.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now