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Min Yoongi's POV

I get out the car last that everyone was in. I had black spots enter my vision so I tried to clear them before I got out.

Everyone says in unison

An amusement park?!
There is going to be so much fat food that I have to eat.
They will force me to eat it.
They will question me if I deny it.
What will I do to get out of it?

"Umm do you not like it hyung?" Tae asks worrily.

"Oh! No! Thank you for bringing me here..... let's go have some fun okay?" I lie to him

Okay, you can do this.

Don't you dare eat you shit

"Okay! Let's go!" Tae interrupts my thoughts and drags me by the wrist

"Where are we going?" I ask

"Over there" he replies nonchalantly as he points to the biggest and scariest ride.

"Tae! We can go on that one last before we leave okay? Remember Yoongi hyung isn't to fond of them

"Awww okay"

"Ummm..... let's go on the one Tae" I try to cheer him up by pointing to a less scary roller coaster.

"I bags sitting next to hyung!" Jungkook chimes in

"Me too!" Tae adds

So I'm in the middle, I guess that's not too bad.

We walk towards the ride in the line up. It's not too long so we would have to be here for around 5 minutes before hopping in.

My head suddenly feels heavy as black spots suddenly enter my vision and I grab onto the closest thing to not fall over. The thing I grabbed onto was Tae.

"Woah are you alright Yoongs?" Tae asks as he draws Kookies eyes away from the ride and also on to me.

"Are you alright" Kookie asks

"Yea" I start as I bring myself back up, " I'm all good just a bit afraid"

Seriously afraid that was your best answer??!

"Don't worry we will be next to you" Kookie says as he ruffles my hair

"You're younger than me boy don't ruffle my hair!" I pout as I readjust my beanie

They both laugh until it dies down to the people around us talking.

"Next!" The man supervising the ride says

Kookie gets in first as I go in after him and Tae following behind. The supervisor latches the safety guards on and speaks on the speaker.

"Are you ready?"

"Yea!" Everyone yells

"Leeeetss gooo!"

And we move.

Jimin's POV

No fair!! I'm too scared to go on rides so I can't be with him! Tae and Jungkook get to be with him though! He's mine! I'll show them who isn't scared! Next time I'll be with Yoongi!

Yoongi's POV

We are going up a ramp and the two boys are just smiling whilst I'm really scared. I shouldn't have chose this one.
My hands and legs are already starting to hurt from squeezing them so hard.

Jungkooks POV

Why did he have to hold Tae? Why couldn't he hold me when he was scared?

I look over to my left. Yoongs is squeezing the safety bar really hard and we haven't even gone over the first hill.

So cute!

"Hey, it's gonna be fine okay? I'm here!" I assure Yoongs.

He visibly relaxed a little.

"Thank you" he says short and quickly

I grab his hand and hold onto it. He squeezes it tightly as we are about to go over the edge.

A split second later and we are racing through loops and twirling upside down and around. I lift his hand up with mine and squeals a little.

Why are you so cute?

Yoongi's POV

Kookie grabs my hand and I squeeze it tight as we go over the first hill. He lifts my hand up and I squeal from the sudden action.

God dammit why did you squeal?! Do you want to be a loser or something?!

A few seconds later and my vision starts blurring. I force hand out of Jungkook's grasp and hold onto the bar. I don't think he noticed because he didn't say anything about it.

"Hey are you alright?!"

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now