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Min Yoongi's POV

1 month later

52.3 kg
(115.3 lbs)
Why am I still so fat?

I exercise and eat 500 calories per day!

You can get thinner quicker

Tell me

Go to the toilet

I walk to the toilet

Open the toilet lid and kneel down over it


Put two fingers down your throat until you vomit

Why would I do that?

Do you want to be skinny you pig!?
Then listen to what I am telling you!

I shakily start to push two fingers down my throat. I start heaving until I finally feel like I'm gonna puke.

Good job! Your gonna be skinny in no time! Weigh you're self again!

I walk back to the scales next to the sink

51.1 kg
(112.65 lbs)

1.2 kilograms lighter!

That's right! Do it often and you'll finally see results!

I flush the toilet feeling a little light headed and dizzy but also excitement from a new discovery.

"Yoongieeeee~" Jin yells from the kitchen

"Breakfast is ready!"

Breakfast, we never have breakfast.

"Coming!" I yell back and walk the long way to the kitchen in hopes to burn more calories.

By the time I'm there everyone is sitting at the table with food on their plates and stuffing their faces.

Why can they eat so much and not get fat?

Because they work out unlike you, you fat cow.

Taehyung's POV

I saved a seat especially for Yoongi right next to me.

By the time he walks in everyone is sitting down and eating.

He just stands there seeming dazed or spaced out like me most of the time.

"Yoongie~" I call out to him

"Oh- coming" he replies snapping out of his daze and sits down next to me

He grabs a pancake and two eggs.

"Why aren't you eating?" Yoongi asks me

"Oh! I forgot!" I awkwardly say as I stop staring at him and dig into my food not daring to look at him again

Everyone is just chatting or making dad jokes which everyone laughs at because they're so stupid

Why are you so stupid Tae!

You always have to stare at him!

"Have you lost weight Yoongi?" Namjoon suddenly asks Yoongi

"Have I?" He asked a bit stunned

"You look quite thin! Congratulations!"
He congratulated him

"Yes! You look thinner!" Jin chimes in

"Thank you.......? I still have a lot to go though" I don't think he meant for me to here that

"Your welcome!" I say sillily ignoring the last sentence

I hate how Namjoon likes Yoongi he is mine! Namjoon is a good friend but Yoongi is mine only and I can't let anyone take him from me!

Min Yoongis POV

During breakfast all I could think about was the food. Jhope was faking his happiness as always, Jin was trying to make everyone laugh. Everyone was talking except for me.

I cut up and ripped my pieces of egg and pancake apart to make it look like I ate it.

"I'm full" I say and start standing up and bringing my plate of food to the bin.

"You should eat more food! You hardly ate anything!" Jimin exclaims from my right

"I ate so much last night, sorry I'm not hungry" I make an excuse

"Okay but make sure you are eating enough" he replies

" I am so dont worry" I say and put my food in the bin and plate in the sink.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asks as he finds me walking to my room

"I'm gonna work ou- I mean just work" I say quickly correcting myself

"But it's our day off~! Let's go do something! Pleaaase~?!"

"Yea let's go out and do something today!" Jimin and Hoseok chime in

"Only if Namjoon says yes" I say while they are already running towards Namjoon

"We can goo!" They all yell towards me in unison

"Where are we going?" I ask

"Surprise!" They all day in unison again

Have they practised this? Well I don't like surprises so it better be something that involves cardio.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now