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Yoongi's POV


The voice came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Where was I? What happened?


The voice said again, the fog in my mind not helping me hear the voice, thought it was clearer.

I groan in response to the voice.

Mumbling and the sound of sniffles enters my ears. I can't move, my body is sore, was I hit by a truck or something? I hope so...

"Yoongi?" The familiar voice is much clearer now.

I strain my eyes to open, partially blinded by the light and my ears ringing from the sound of beeping. Am I in a hospital? What happe-oh my god.

My eyes fully open as the blurry shapes come more into focus. I groan as realise what I've done. So stupid.

"You are awake Yoongi!" I wince at Tae's loud voice, "are you okay?"

I couldn't even start to form a reply as all the other red, tears eyed boys start talking, asking if I was okay. I wince again.

"Yeah.... I'm okay" I blink slowly as my husky voice startled me, clearly it surprised them too.

How long was I out for? How can I explain this to them? That's so embarrassing..

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now