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Yoongi's POV

"Yoongi." The voice called out to me.

"Yoongi wake up, you have to get up." A hand shook me awake. I groan as I open my eyes, "Let me sleep." I was about to say, although I kept my mouth shut at the person in front of me. "Mom?" My voice a higher pitch than usual.

"Come on, you'll be late for school." She smiled weakly at me before she left the bedroom. I get out of bed and go for the dresser, grabbing the first thing I could find and pulling them on. I look in the tall mirror beside it, staring at my 12 year old self. I ruffle my hair, raking my fingers through it to make it look presentable before racing out of the blue room and towards the kitchen.

I look at Mom in the living room as she flips through old pictures of Dad, smiling at some of them. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and go to my bag by the front door, already packed for me. "Thank you Mom, I'll walk again." I tell her before closing the door behind me. I sigh in exhaustion, the day hasn't even started yet and I'm already tired of it. I'm just glad hyung is at work in the mornings.


I step off the bus with the other kids, keeping my head down at my feet wishing I was invisible. The other kids throw their usual insults at me as I make to the teachers' lounge.

"You are here Yoongi!" Mr Mutch exclaims as he gestured me to come over. "I was beginning to think you were sick today."

"The bus was running late." I explained quietly as I sat down in my usual seat at the back. I put my bag on the desk as I looked out the window, waiting for class to start. I gazed at the trees and the benches that people sit on at lunch time when someone, or some people caught my attention.

"I'll be back" I say to the teacher before I practically run out of class. Although, the scenery changes when my foot steps out. It looks like the BigHit building, and I'm standing on the roof of it, on the edge. I peer down at the large group of surrounding people at the bottom, looking like little ants.

I see everyone down there; BTS, Jun Ki hyung, Mom, even Dad. Random people from classes and people I've seen on the street are there. I take in a deep breathe as I hear them chanting something I can't decipher.

I step forwards, plummeting down. The wind blows the hair out of my face, my limbs in a star fish shape as my stomach faces the ground. I now hear what they are chanting. "Die-die-die!" The words become louder as I get closer to the ground.

I'm only inches away from the ground before blackness overcomes my vision. I'm teleported to my room in the apartments, the one I share with Seokjin hyung. My eyes widen in recognition at the man in front of me.

"Hey, miss me little bro?" He smiles at me as I whimper.

It's happening again.

I whimper again when his calloused hand strokes my cheek.

"I've missed you so, so much." His dark voice laced with lust. His eyes trace over my blanketed body before ripping it off, making me shudder from the cold. "You can't believe how hard it is to try and get hard to my girlfriend, when I'm with you though," He points to his bulge. "Just looking at you turns me on. Although, I think you would look so much better with those big clothes off." His hand reaches for my shirt, making me instinctively move backwards and cry out. "Stop!"

He slaps me across my face making me stop and cradle my cheek. "Ah-ah-ah. Have you forgotten? I own you, I can do whatever I want." The familiar phrase makes me freeze, paralysed like I'm in some kind of trance. It's just like old times, I don't want this. I need to move, but I can't. My body won't listen to me.

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