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It wasn't time for any introductions except a "Hello army!" before the music started. The crowd's screams almost over powered the blaring speakers playing bangtan's new song I'm fine.

The meaning of the words not only spoke to Yoongi, but everyone in the stadium. Not only did Yoongi relate to the song in real life, it came from his heart. The lyrics woven into the song by every member of the band had soften the army's hearts as they scream the chants.

Sweat was covering everyone's foreheads by the end of the song, maybe a little tears too, for some. Gasping for breathes, they moved to another expression to get ready for the next song. This is how it went for the next two hours. Intricate movements and vocals that came from the heart.

"Thank you army!" Taehyung yelled as fans cheered.

Everyone waves at the crowd, light sticks waving back at them.

People bring out chairs for the boys, they sit on them, getting ready to play games.


Yoongi's POV

It was nearing the end of the concert. If I wanted to say something it would be now. I brought the microphone to my face as I spoke. "Hey army." The reply was cheers, I took this as an indication to continue. "I'd just like to say a few words before we go." I pause. "I'd like to thank you for coming today. Not just today, every time you listen to our music, listen to interviews, anything like that. I'd like to thank you for being here for us and loving us, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys." I gesture to the crowd. "So thank you army, 사랑해." I make my fingers into a heart then using my arms to make a bigger heart and flash a gummy smile. I sigh in relief afterwards, glad I could say it.

"Yoongi!" The boy's day in unison as they run up and group hug me.

"You were so cute!"

"It made tears come to my eyes."


The crowd cheers as we hug. Everyone let's go of the hug after 20 seconds. I didn't armys could yell for so long. Suddenly I'm being picked up bridle style, I yell in surprise and latch onto the person who picked me up instinctively, not wanting to fall. "Jungkook!" He gives me a bunny smile before running down the stage, making me hold tighter and stuff my face into his shirt.

"Stop!" I yell in vain.

It was only until Taehyung got him to let go of me minutes later did I get my feet on the ground.

"Thank you army! Have a great night and get some rest!" Namjoon yells and waves at the crowd, Jimin rounds around him a bunch of times before latching onto him, jumping on his back. We wave at the sea of coloured spheres before we head back underneath the stage.

"Time to eat!"
"And drink!"
"And sleep!"

The maknaes say after one another.

We head to the dressing room, getting our makeup wiped off and cool patches put on our foreheads and neck. I drink a bunch of water, ready to pass out from all the exertion. And that's what I did, basically pass out.


"Should we wake him up?"

"I volunteer to carry him!"

"Take pictures, this a rare moment!"

I open my eyes, making them jump back. "Oh-u-Uh Yoongi, you are a-awake." Jin hyung stutters in nervousness.

I lift my head from the chair, an oncoming headache lightly pounds at my head as I stand.

"It's okay." I assure them as they sigh in relief.

"We are going to get food so let's go!"

"Um, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be with you guys soon." I say nervously as they look at me.

"Okay, do you want me to come?" Jimin hyung asks, already heading towards the exit.

"No! I mean no, I'll be fine. Don't wait for me"

"Uh, okay then."

It was only when they left when I let out a breathe of relief. I look at the clock up on the wall, "6:30 already?" I ask myself in disbelief. I walk out the room, but instead of going for the stairs to the roof.

I step out into the freezing cold air, closing the door behind me. I step over the pipes and wires on the ground, and onto the ledge. At first I just sit there.

This wasn't like my dream.

I wasn't on the BigHit building, I was on top of a stadium, though the height seemed about the same. I see the moving cars the size of beetles, people the size of tiny ants, all moving around and through each other in an unordely  fashion. I see the big black car that the boys are probably inside of, waiting. For me. Though I'll never show up. Well maybe as a spear of red on the ground.

I think back to everything I've done these past few years, how did it come to this?

Maybe I should have never joined bangtan, though I doubt the results will be any different, though it would be on a different building.

I see a little person's head tilt upwards, facing me. They tap other people shoulders and suddenly many faces are looking up at me, many of which I don't know.

Some steps out of the black car, most likely hearing the commotion, I recognise him as Jimin. Soon every member is out of the car, staring up at me. Jimin takes off into the building. A lot of the boys following a minute later. It won't be long before they get here.

Why do they still come after me? I know I'm not enough for them, don't they realise that? I know I know that, it's practically drilled in my head like screws. Screws that put my brain together, that keep it together. It what makes me, me. It's not like I can change that.

I hear the faint sirens of police cars and ambulances. They are probably coming for me, "sorry for making your work harder." I whisper down to the blaring vehicles.

The door to the roof slams open, a breathless Jimin staggering my way slowly.

"Don't jump!" He yells weakly. "I should have noticed earlier, we all should have noticed earlier. Im sorry."

I tilt my head to look at him as he continues. "This is not a good way out. Look I found your razors, I was planning on confronting you after the concert. All of this, all of this," He says twice as he gestures a circle between us. "this doesn't have to be this way, I can help you get better."

I nod my head slowly. "I'm sorry Jimin, the damage was already done since I was born." I flash a genuine smile at him. "I'll never forget you," I say weakly as tears spill from my eyes. "I won't forget any of you. I hope you won't forget me." I turn around and stand up. "See you in the next life... maybe." I say before I turn around and fall backwards. The fleeting glimpse of Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung rushing through the door and Jimin racing to the ledge, his hand grazing my shirt before missing is what I saw before I close my eyes. "Good bye." I say quietly before the rest of my tears flow above me.

The screams file through my ears. The wind whipping at my back harshly as I fall.

Images flash across my mind, mom, bangtan, even Dad. I've finally let go, I've done it.

I smile breaks out on my face before I feel nothing.

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