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Just a quick notice before I start the chapter..

I am so sorry!!!!

I accidentally deleted Wattpad and I forgot about it. I also just moved yesterday so yeah

Thanks for reading!

Yoongi's POV

"Sorry" I say still wrapped up in the covers

"It's okay we were just worried about you" Jimin says relieved

"You guys should go back to bed, Sorry for waking you guys up, Sorry Jin" I say about to go back to bed drowning in my embarrassment

"It's too late to go back to bed now, even though it's still a little early. Let's have breakfast and get ready slowly. I call dibs sitting next to you Yoongs!" Jungkook says.

I guess he dropped the honorifics, I don't deserve them anyways, or be close to any of the boys.

"I have to cook breakfast so just hangout in the lounge room" Jin says while getting out of bed and going towards the door, sparing me a glance before weaving through the boys to the kitchen.

"I call dibs sitting next to Yoongo too!" Jimin says also dropping the honorifics

"Hey why did you guys drop the honorifics?!" Hobi half scolds the boys, "if you guys are then I am too!" He says

A number of "me too"s chime after him.

"Yoongs! Yoongi! Yooooonnnieeee!" Tae exclaims excitedly while he climbs into bed next to me and cuddles me.

"The last felt like a baby name" I say pouting

"Then I'll cal you Yoonie so you can be my baby" he winks suggestively at me

"That can go two ways Tae, and both are inappropriate" I say to him.

I turn around to face him and find myself not even 2 inches away from each other. If moved even a little our noses would touch.

"Hey!" Namjoon yells as he runs towards us, " don't be so close to Yoongie!" He pushes Tae off the bed and jumps in his old spot, right in front of me but not too close.

"Are you okay?" No. Not really.
"Yeah I'm fine we should probably get u- achoo!" I sneeze putting my face away to not sneeze on him. Wow I didn't even realise 'till now that I probably have a fever from being out in the rain.

I sniffle as his face contorts into worry

"Do you have a fever?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Sorry I only just realised now" I apologise

"You say sorry too much it isn't even your fault" he says as he starts to get out of bed.

"Sorry" I mumble again as he ushers the boys to do stuff.

My mind gets even foggier then before as I get sweaty. My head feels like it's been hit with a tennis ball a thousand times.

I didn't  know how long it had been but Joon soon came back in as my eyes were about to close. The other boys are there too except for Jin that is.

"Here you need a panadol and water, you can't fall asleep yet. Jin is making soup to help break the fever" someone says as they help me sit up. It's Namjoon. Jungkook passes me a water bottle as Jimin hands me two tablets.

I wonder if I have enough of those to make me sleep forever.

"Can someone open the lid please?" I mumble

"Here" Jungkook says proudly as he opens up the water bottle for me

"Thanks" I say and put the tablets in my mouth, gulping down the water after wards.

"Sorry for burdening you" I apologise again

"Stop saying sorry!" They all say in unison.


"We should leave him to rest before we give him soup, he shouldn't have to stay up for so long with a headache" Hobi says as he starts guiding everyone out the door.

Someone walks past to leave but I grab their hand.

"Stay" is all I say

I feel them lie on the bed next to me as I fall asleep.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now