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Guys I got wifiiiii oh lawrd thank u jisoos~~~~~~

Yoongi's POV

They are going to find out! Wait what am I saying they probably already found out..

I'm such an idiot I should have been better at hiding everything, did they see my scars?

I unconsciously hide my wrists, pressing them to my stomach. I'm so glad I'm underneath a blanket right now.

Although the movement made a few heads turn towards my arms underneath the blanket.

Shit shit shit. I'm so screwed.

A light knock sounds on the door before a doctor steps into the room.

I involuntarily gasp in fright, a faint whimper escaping my throat as the man steps into the room.

Dr Han.

However, that's not what makes me gasp. It is the man smirking at me, a few feet behind Dr Han.

"Jun Ki" I whimper again as the name leaves my lips.

He steps forward, smiling at me. It almost convinces me, if I didn't know any better I would think he was a great older brother.

"Yoongi! I missed you, little bro."


Okay I am so sorry about a short chapter but I'm uploading another one later sooo yeah.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now