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Jimins POV

Finally! I get to go out with Minnie! Well more like we do. I want Minnie to myself!

I see Minnie going into his room. I'm assuming to get changed because he is still in his pajamas. I should change too! Should I wear something fancy or casual? Oh I'll do both! Just in case Yoongi wears something fancy! I wanna match him!

(You can choose which ever you want)



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I walk out of my room with my clothes on grabbing my beanie and putting it on my head before walking towards the door for my shoes

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I walk out of my room with my clothes on grabbing my beanie and putting it on my head before walking towards the door for my shoes

I see what Yoongi is wearing.......


Min Yoongi's POV

Is what I'm wearing okay? I don't even know where I'm going!



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"Minnie hyun~!" Jiminie calls out

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"Minnie hyun~!" Jiminie calls out

"Ne?" I reply

"Your outfit is amazing hyung! Do you know where we are going?! Your outfit is perfect!"

Good at least I didn't mess up in that department

You messed up in every other department though

I did.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Jiminie calls out in my face

"Okay Jiminie, is everyone else ready?"

"Who cares! Let's go first so we can get the best seats in the car!"

We are driving? I'd rather walk

He grabs my wrist and starts pulling me towards the car

He opens the door and says: " let's get in the back!" And pushes me in first.

I've been pushed a lot today

You deserve it.
Don't eat anything where ever we're going or do what you did this morning

That's right. My throat still hurts from the sudden space blocking me from swallowing.

"Hey hyung?"


"U-uhh never mind I'll tell you later"


As if on cue the rest of the gang hop into the car.

"Aww I wanted to sit next to hyung"
Kookie whines

"On the way back you can" I assure him


••Time Skip••

Where are we going? I thought

It's been 25 mins already

"I'm surprised you haven't asked where we are going" Jin suddenly spoke

"Well I new you weren't going to answer me so I didn't ask again"

"Aish, such a logical Yoongi! Well we are here now let's get out and have fun!" Jin ends our short conversation as all the boys exit the cars excitedly except me.

"What are you waiting for Yoongs?" Namjoon asks me

"Dunno" for me to be skinny "let's go"

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now