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Yoongi's POV

I sit up straight away, waking up from another nightmare. At least I didn't scream or anything because no one is here, but the pounding headache doesn't help me think straight.

Where is Hobi?

I slowly stand off the bed, wiping the sweat off my face and onto my clothes as the nightmare already slipped my mind. I slowly walk out of Hoseok's room and towards the stairs.

A tall figure comes around the corner too quickly as I bump into it, almost falling over.

"Woah! Are you okay?" Jin asks as he steadies me by my arm.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, I just woke up so I was coming down stairs and then I bumped into you when you were coming around the corner an-"

"It's fine, really. I was coming to wake you up. I have food ready and the boys are all waiting down stairs. Let's go."

He guides me with his hand towards the stairs he just came up from.

How long was I asleep for? He is already back from running his errands.

I see the boys at the bottom of the stairs at the dining table. Their conversations stop as soon as they see us come down.

"Yoongi!" I feel like a knife is being driven through my head from the loud voice.

"Yeah Hobi?" I answer after wincing.

"Sit next to me!" He says excitedly, patting the empty seat beside him.

I walk towards him and plop myself down in the chair, the tension easing off my head as I sit.

My plate is already served with food. It looks like we will be eating a foreign style dinner.

Steak and vegetables with mash potato and gravy.

"Thank you Jin for making this." I say to him.

"No problem, it's my job to feed you."

I don't think I can eat this.

Everyone starts eating as I brace myself.

I lift up the fork to grab a little of the mashed potato with gravy on it and lift it into my mouth, chewing slowly on it.

I'll start with something small, hopefully eating will make me feel better physically.

I swallow.

There we go, you got it down. Now just a few more so no one gets suspicious.

I put some more on my fork, putting it into my mouth and chewing before swallowing it again.

My mouth starts watering as I try to take another bite.

"I'm gonna be sick." I say before jilting out of the chair.

That did not make it any better, I run to the bin in the kitchen and start vomiting what little food I had.

I hear the everyone's footsteps as they reach me, either patting my back or saying something.

"Breath through your nose, just try."

I finally stop puking as I stand up again facing them.

My body starts swaying as I look at them, "Sorry" was all I said before I blacked out, not knowing if I hit the floor.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now