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"We need to talk."

"Yes Jin hyung."

This is what has been on my mind all morning and night, having to talk to Seokjin hyung makes me nervous. I wanna puke up what I haven't even eaten today.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" The question surprises me. Why wouldn't he ask about my lack of eating? Or even my brother? I hesitate to answer, "I don't know.." I shrug, embarrassed.

"You don't know?.... is that it? You just don't know? He fucking raped you Yoongi,  and molested you. I jus- I'm worried about you," what? "You don't seem like yourself anymore. You don't eat, you never tell us anything..." He trails off.

".. you care? About me?"

"Of course I do you-... look. I'm sorry, the truth is I like Namjoon okay? And he-never mind. All you need to know is that I'm sorry for treating you that way, it is my fault that your like this." Okay ouch.

"You like Namjoon?" He blushes at the statement. "I'm so happy for you. I'm glad that you have someone in your heart. You guys should go on a date." His eyes flash with sadness at the dating part. "That's the point. Never mind, I'm just worried about you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm really sweaty and icky right now, I'm gonna have a shower if that's okay." I excuse myself quickly and run up the stairs towards our room. I grab a towel and run off to the bathroom, closing the door behind me quickly. The shower runs loudly as my breath starts to calm down to normal. This is becoming to much to handle, I can't keep avoiding everything for so long, it's suffocating me. But, I have to do it. I have to say goodbye to everyone. Only fourteen days left and I'm free.

The steam fogs up the image in the mirror, shielding myself from, well myself. Trying to at least. Stripping down, I step into the shower, the hot water rolling down my body. My wet hair cascades down my forehead, reaching my eyes. I hate having a shower, it leaves me to my thoughts.

My brother, what is he doing in town? Well, at least I will get away from him in two weeks. I'm glad he doesn't have my number. I won't have to hear the late night calls, asking for help. I felt like I would pass out in the hospital, I did actually, but only from crying too much. Such a baby. Just the thought of him makes my head want to explode. I want to carve out those memories with the familiar razor that hides in the cupboard.

Why am I so useless? I've learned to lose everything, and yet, I can't get rid of those memories. They are stuck in my head with superglue.

I get turn the shower off, stepping out into the steamy room. I start drying myself with the towel I took off the rack. Wiping over the fresh and old cuts, remembering the causes of them. "Shit." I forgot clothes.

I was so eager to avoid a disaster happening I made one happen in front of my eyes without realising it. What do I do?

I cautiously peak my head out the bathroom door, I couldn't even go to mine and Seokjin's bathroom, I just had to choose a random one, my razors aren't in this one.

"Hello?" I greet the empty hallway.

"Hello?" I say louder, in hopes of someone hearing me.

"Yoongi? Is that you?" A voice says back, "where are you?"

"I'm in the bathroom, I forgot to grab clothes, can you please grab some for me?"

Hobi walks down the hallway, seeing my head peaked behind the bathroom door. "Sure! I'll be back soon."

I stand there awkwardly for a few minutes, my head still peaking out and waiting for Hoseok to come back with some clothes.

"Here, sorry I took so long." Hobi wall around the corner, making me jump a little. He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck as he passes me clothes. "I kinda forgot where your room was, so I just got my clothes for you to wear, I hope you don't mind." He says sheepishly. I'm not important enough that he forgets which room is mine.

"No, it's okay, but are you okay with me wearing your clothes?" I ask gratefully as I look at his clothes. "Positive."

"Thank you so much, you are a life safer."

He smiles and waves, "all good, I'm just gonna go now..." he walks away around the corner.

I close the bathroom door as I look at his clothes again. He even gave me his boxers. I slip on the boxers, then the black sweatpants on top. I slip on the black hoodie, my hands don't reach through the sleeves properly giving me sweater paws. I toss my dirty clothes in the washer as I close the bathroom door behind me after stepping out.

I walk down the hallways until I reach the living room. "Yoongi!" "Your awake!" Jungkook and Taehyung day at the same time as they see me. I wave and smile at them in return. They run towards me and engulf me in a hug. "We're sorry!"

"What? Why?" Why are they sorry, what did they do wrong?

"We weren't there for you." Jungkook starts, "you were hurting and we didn't realise," Taehyung continues, "That stupid Dr Han, I'm gonna kill him. He did all that stuff to you and we didn't even know."

"But that's the point, I didn't tell anyone, you didn't know because I didn-"

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"....I didn't want to bother anyone."

"It's our job!" Jungkook says dramatically, "Besides, I would never be bothered by you, neither would any of the group."

"Yeah, tell us what's wrong okay? Even if you just stub your toe or something, I want to know your issues," jungkook continues, "we want to know your issues, we will fix them as best as we can."

I smile at them as tears form in my eyes, "thank you, I really mean it guys. Thank you."

They engulf me in another hug, squealing me tight.

"Come on, I want to sleep, we all get another day off to take care of you. We will watch over you and keep you safe."

They lead me to the couch as they wrap me in blankets and cuddle me. I feel warm and nice. I drift off to sleep easily as I'm wrapped in their arms.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now