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Omllllll you guyssss I totally forgot I didn't have access to wifi when I updated last time and I'm using mum's hotspot Rn... we still don't get wifi yet ughhhhh.... anyway I'm so so so sorry I forgot about that it will be a quadruple update until I can get my hands on more wifi sorry guyssss.

Yoongi's POV

I feel someone waking me

"Hey wake up"

I hate waking up so much

"Don't shake him to hard he is still sick"

When I'm asleep I don't have to face real people

"The soup will get cold!"

I can just not wake up, that would help solve my problems.


I slowly open my eyes to see 6 other pairs looking down at me.

"You're awake! Great, we got you some soup so it should make you feel better" Namjoon says as he grabs the soup from Jin's hands and places it on the bedside table.

I start to panic as I realise, "We should be getting ready for work, we have to be there soon, right? We'll be late if we don't get ready now. It's all my fault" I start to get out of bed.

"Hey, you are sick. You have to stay in bed and we are staying to take care of you." Tae says as he starts to push me back down into bed.


"No buts, we are taking care of you today, Jin also got an email from the doctor today, we will go see him later this afternoon. First you need to get better and have some soup, you've gotten really skinny and I don't want you to stay sick to eat up" Joon says as he brings the soup near my mouth and dips his spoon in.

"Say ahh"

He blows on it before putting it in my open mouth.

I haven't had anything since yesterday and I will probably faint again hopefully while being with doctor Han, but I don't want to worry anyone so I start to eat it.

A few mouthfuls later and I'm full, my stomach feels like a balloon.

"I'll have some more later I just want to rest right now, sorry" I say as I lay down

"Well put this on your head" Jin says as he places a cold cloth on my head.

"Thank you hyung" I say as I pull the blanket up.

Tae tucks me in as Namjoon turns off the light and leaves with the rest of the boys.

"I'll stay here to take care of you" Tae says as he climbs into the bed with me

"You'll get sick" I say foggily as I weakly push him away

"I don't care, I have to take care of you"

"Then when you get sick I'll have to take care of you"

"I'm fine with that"

"I'm not"

"Well I am"

"You smell nice"


The mirrors keep appearing simultaneously, making me look at myself, the pig that I'm about to turn into again.

The ugly pink, ginormous, fat snobby pig.

The pig eats everything in it's path, not caring if it's food or not.

It rampages through the mirror, running down the street, snorting loudly. It eats the benches, the trees, the buildings, the taco van passing by. It rampages through the whole city, leaving destruction and devastation in it's wake.

It long after arrives at the hospital, tearing through the front doors and hallways inside. The monster eats it's way through door after door, wall after wall, till it arrives in the last room standing. The wall it crashed -ate through- is back in its original state.

A single room, bland and the exact same as all the other hospital's rooms.

Everything is the same except the importance of the room.

The knock on the door signals a visitor. The man walks inside, holding a clipboard and pen in hand. His doctor coat represents his purpose.

"Ah Min Yoongi, you've come back finally, I was starting to miss you too much" doctor Han says with his sickeningly sweet smile as he closes the door behind him.

The room feels like a prison. I'm frozen, paralysed as he stalks towards me. His smile laced with inhuman reason.

"Blue suits you, it's a little long, doesn't show enough of those pretty legs but the easy access at the back definitely makes up for it" He says looking me up and down.

His teeth stick out of his mouth as his skin turns hard and scaly, his eyes a bright amber and red. His height towers over mine.

I feel the same hospital gown as last time, the back only tied in a bow with the fabric. The breeze sends a shiver down my spine.

He grabs the fabric of the gown as he drags his eyes up to me, "this covers up too much, don't you agree?"

He leaves no room for a reply as he shoves me harshly against the wall.

"You are such a fat ugly pig, I'm the only one who spares you even a second glance, I basically own you." He grills in my face, not even caring about the spit flying out of his mouth.

I look into the mirror across the wall, my joints finally being able to move as the pink nose and beady black eyes look back at me.

"I'm the only one who can give you attention" he says darkly as his finger tips latch on to my jaw, guiding back to his face.

My knees buckle as I fall to the ground, falling in a heap as I can't tear my eyes from his.

His big hand starts to reach for me, the claws so pointy they could draw blood with a tap of the finger.

My breathing hitches but I can't scream, I can't move anything. Not even blink. I try everything, my breathing becomes unstable, I feel like I've run a marathon, my lungs feel empty and my throat hurts but I can't cry. I can't scream. I can't run. His hand is coming closer. He is going to grab me.

I can't move move.


An unclear voice echos. It doesn't come from anywhere but at the same time it comes from everywhere


The foggy voice becomes a little clearer

"Yoongi wake up"

The monster is an inch away from grabbing me

I try my hardest to scream


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