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'What just happened?' They all had questioned themselves.

It all happened so quickly that it was hard to comprehend, but one thing was for sure, Yoongi was not fine.

He blacked out as soon as the words came out of his mouth, his head his the floor like a ton of bricks.

Jin was the first to move, rushing over to Yoongi, "Shit!" He never usually cursed, reprimanding the others when they swore but this one a time where that didn't matter. He ran over to Yoongi lifting his head onto his lap and checking his breathing.

The boys let out a string of curses laced with concern for the small boy whilst they ran randomly.

"Call the ambulance!" Namjoon yelled in Taehyung's face before running towards Yoongi.

Namjoon was too stressed to watch his manners. His focus was on Yoongi, the unconscious boy in front of him. He would do anything for the older in a heartbeat, whether it be passing him the coffee mug he left on the bench, to rob a bank if he was asked by Yoongs. His Yoongi, the one who had said sorry for being sick, not to long ago.

Taehyung didn't care that he was yelled at, his mind tangled up in Yoongi while he ran to his phone on the table, pacing and swearing when the person on the other end didn't pick up quick enough.

Jimin ran to the kitchen, grabbing whatever he thought would help the unconscious boy laying on the ground.

Hoseok ran to the boy after Namjoon, "get him on the couch." The three lifted him up, bringing him to the couch. He lightly hit the boys cheeks, as if that would wake him up, trying to command him to wake up. "Yoongi! Can you hear me Yoongi? Wake up, come on."

Tears had gathered in Jungkook's eyes. "Yoongi?" He whimpered. He knew he couldn't hear him, but he didn't care. He was frozen on the spot, standing as his head was directed to his favourite boy in the world. The one that comforted him, made him feel happy and warm inside. The one he would always tease, the one who bought him lamb skewers because they were the only people in the group that liked them. He whimpered again as the sounds of sirens filled his ears.

The passengers of the ambulance rushed inside, carrying a stretcher, lifting the boy into it after the three had moved away.

"Car. Now." Jin said as he grabbed the keys from the bench, rushing to get to the car.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now