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Taehyung's POV

I saw Jimin comedown the stairs.

"Hey Jiminie! Why are you up so early?"

"I could ask the same for you! But it's because Yoongi told me that Jin was cooking breakfast"


"Why hasn't he come down yet?" I ask

"Oh! He needs to clean up he said"

Clean up? Why were those two together? Why the hell does he need to clean up?! What did they do while they were alone?!

"How dare you!" I say angrily as I sprint upstairs

I don't listen to whatever Jimin is saying and run towards Yoongi's and Jin's room.

I barge in and stomp towards the bathroom.

"Yoongi." I say angrily as I swing the door open.

I hear a squeal as the shower curtain is pulled and is wrapped around Yoongi so you can only see his head.

"What the..."

"Did you and Jimin do it?!"

"What? Why the heck are you in the bathroom while I'm having a shower?!"

"You had sex with Jimin!"

"What the hell Tae? No! Where did that come from? And don't say that!"

Oh..... wait Yoongi is naked right now.

Yoongi's POV

Why the hell would Tae think that? And I'm naked right now in the shower and he comes barging in! What if he sees me?!

He starts to walk towards me slowly,
"Well he said that you had to clean up after you two were alone together"

Jeez, that innocent mochi and his wording.

"You know how innocent he is Tae, he doesn't understand all that stuff. Like an older version of Jungkook"

He keeps walking towards me a smirk on his face too. What the heck is he thinking? There is nothing funny about him barging into the bathroom while I'm having a shower!

"And I'm not innocent?" He asks

"What? What kind of question is that?"

He is right in front of me now, looking down on me.

"Well the situation isn't innocent either is it? You are in the shower..... nude I might add and I'm right here, just clothes and a curtain in between us."

What? The words stun me.

"What is all the banging and yelling?! Is Yoongi hurt?" Namjoon enters yelling with a tired Jungkook and Hoseok behind him.

"Yoongi?" Jimin comes running up afterwards.

They are all in here now, while I'm in the shower... naked.....

"Tae?" They all day in unison.

They start yelling and scolding him while I just stand with the shower curtain around me stunned and scared.

"Guys!" I finally say.

They all look at me immediately, some of the looks uncomfortably tickling my stomach.

"Uhhh...... I'm kinda nude right now and-"

"Sorry hyung!" They yell/say in unison, bowing and scurrying out the room.

"Cute" Taehyung says before he exits the bathroom.


You faggot why didn't you cover your face! You are so stupid they want to see that!

I fucked up real bad.

I stop the shower and do my morning routine of purging and poking.

Taehyung's POV

God! Why did I say that?! I was freaking out too much! But he had wet hair and beads of water over his soft skin. I just wanted to pull that stupid shower curtain away.

Why the hell did the boys come in! I could've made a move!

Sorry for not updating guys!! I was just having a hard time to think of something to write... I'll try to write more for you guys!!

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