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Jimin's POV

My arms clench tighter around Yoongi. I don't want to do anything today except sleep with him. Though he does feel more bulky than before.

I shrug it off as I snuggle my face into his arm. He kinda smells different too, and longer limbs. Well it's Yoongi so I just wanna hug him.

Jungkook's POV

I wake up to someone hugging me in their sleep. I open my eyes, becoming wider after I realise it's Jimin.

"What the heck?! What are you doing?!" I scream in terror as he jolts awake

"What why are you here? Where is Yoongi?" He asks in confusion

"Actually I sleep here too ya know," I retort before realising, "wait where is Yoongi?!"

We both scrabble out of the bed at the same time.

'Did I squish him?' I check under neath the pillows and blankets, then checking the hole room before rushing out looking and yelling for Yoongi

Jimin's POV

Oh no Yoongs!

I scramble out of bed and out of the room, looking for Yoongi, through the kitchen, past the living room. All the bathrooms. Everywhere

Jungkook and I meet at the boys' rooms.

"Split up?" I ask

I don't hear a reply as he is already checking one of the shared rooms.

I run towards Taehyungs' room, barging in.

"Yoongi!" I yell, surprising Taehyung awake, he falls off the bed

"What the heck?"

"Is Yoongs in here?!" I say panicked

"Uh no why?"

I close the door just as Jungkook is closing Namjoons and Hoseoks'.

Be both barge into Jin's' shared room. "Yoongi?!" We day at the same time

A small figure jumps up from underneath the covers as Jin catching himself from falling out of the bed in fright.

"What is going on here?!"

I don't listen as I run to Yoongi's bed hugging him as he gets trapped.

"Huh? What happened?" He asks with his deep, raspy, morning voice.

"What was all the yelling about?" Namjoon comes waddling in with a Hoseok, the rest padding along behind them.

"Is Yoongi okay?"

"What happened to Yoongi?!"

Yoongi was still in a daze, still not comprehending what was going on. Quite frankly, no one knew what was happening except the two boys.

"Where were you? Why were you here?! We got scared?"

"Yeah we thought you got stolen or something?!"

Yoongi's POV

So they woke the whole house up because of me? I'm so mean to them, it's all my fault, I should've went back to bed with them.

"I'm sorry" I say quietly

"Why are you saying sorry? We were the ones that were running around the whole apartment"

"Im the one that made you do it though" I mumble though he still heard it.

Sorry this chapter is short I have writers block again haha
I'll try to update soon bye

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