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Yoongi's POV

Tears streak my face, making it even uglier, the red puffy eyes adding to it as I struggle.

I try yanking my hands and head away as he pulls on them to no avail. My scalp burns and my wrists will most likely hold bruises.

I should be used to this.... to the abuse....but I'm not. I keep struggling as he yanks me forward by my hair, holding his hard-on straight at my face, trying to get it to touch me.

The door suddenly opens revealing Taehyung, his head turned away as he walks in.

"Hey I just forgot my pho-"

I don't want him to see me like this. He shouldn't have to see this. I start struggling more, trying to get out of the man's death grip.

It's only when I hear a thud that I knew that Taehyung had moved from his spot. My eyes shoot open, struggling to wipe the tears from my blurry eyes. What happened? Is Taehyung okay?

I see the outline of the vocalist punching the man in the face repeatedly. I start crying again as I try to get off the bed to stop him, but I'm too weak, he keeps punching and punching.

"Taehyung!" I yell, directly beside his ear, trying to pry him off the man. By now everyone has come into the room, including nurses and a few other doctors.

He gets out of his thoughts and stands up abruptly, I would have fallen if it weren't for him pulling me up with him, embracing me in a tight hug.

"What the hell happened?!" Namjoon yells, looking between my tear-stained face, a livid Taehyung and a half-naked, beaten up man.

Taehyung tried to calm his breathing, straining not to yell as he tells them.

"He tried to rape Yoongi."

"Again." I let out barely a whisper. I didn't think Tae would hear but he did.

"Again." He adds, his anger rising at the words.

Everyone gasps, including Jin Ki as many mumbles and looks of pity are thrown my way. Don't look at me.

I press my face into Tae, tears spilling again as I sob quietly into his neck. He hugs me tighter, dipping his head down as he tries to calm me down, whispering sweet-nothings in my ear.

He puts his hand underneath my knees, the other one at my back as he lifts me up. I just try to put my head more into his neck. Don't look at me, please.

"Sorry." I mumble as the struggling and crying takes a toll on my body. My vision fades to black as the voices in the room disappear.

No one's POV

Taehyung was livid.

As soon as he saw Yoongi's tears on his beautiful face his mind flipped like a switch.

He was always good at hiding or controlling his emotions. A poker face here and there, or happy face. Though when it came to Yoongi, his Yoongi, it's like there is no such thing as controlling facial expressions.

What made him even angrier was why the boy was crying. That son of a bitch, a predator. Who the fuck, let him be a doctor?! Let alone Yoongi's doctor?! He was even angrier at himself though, why didn't he see it earlier?!

His Yoongi so badly didn't want to even go to the hospital, he didn't give him explanation either. If that didn't make it pretty clear that something was up, he didn't know what would. He just brushed it off though, 'Maybe he just hates hospitals' he thought.

Taehyung has known Yoongi for seven years. Seven! He would have known if Yoongi hated hospitals or not, which he didn't, yet he still didn't connect the dots. He was the most angry at himself.

Yoongi said 'again', so this would have happened twice?! Except it actually happened the first time. He sighed. He was just working himself up. But Yoongi doesn't deserve to be hurt, he deserved to be cared for, to be protected from danger, to be loved.

That's what he would do, love Yoongi, care for him, make him feel special.

He heard that Yoongi said sorry, but why?

Why would he say sorry?

He ignored the questions from the others, "Keys." He demanded in his still writhing anger as Jin immediately passed him the keys, knowing not to try to reprimand him in his state of mind.

Soothing himself in the rapper's neck as he exited the scene. He carried the precious boy down the flights of stairs, all the way to the car, ignoring the paparazzi and flashes of cameras as he opened the door to the van and placed Yoongi inside on the chair. He climbs inside afterwards, shutting the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi." He mumbles, "it's all my fault, let me make it up to you." He notices the boy's sleeping form and leans in to kiss his forehead. Wrapping him in a tight, yet compassionate and determined-filled hug.

"I'll take care of you." He promised to the unconscious boy. He kissed the small boy's head again as he rocked the boy in his arms, waiting for the other to hurry up and get in the car so his Yoongi can go home and be in a comfortable bed.

'Yoongi.' The boy's all thought to themselves at the same time.

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