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No one's POV

Tae had left with the crying boy, to say they were stunned was an under statement. They were mad, upset, surprised, stunned, almost every emotion bubbling up inside their hearts at the same time. Dr Han had hurt Yoongi. Twice. Anger rises in their throats, almost unable to control for most of them, although some didn't even try to hide the emotion as they start yelling.

"What the hell?!" Namjoon yells. "Who let him be a fucking doctor?! He molested Yoongi!" He screams at the doctors and nurses, blaming them for Yoongi's hurt.

Tears spill out of Jimin's eyes. His poor Yoongi, he got hurt and didn't even tell anyone about it. Why didn't he realise? "Why didn't any of us fucking realise?" He spits out. "It's all our fault. We were supposed to take care of him but we failed." His voice cracks as his tears blur his vision.

Why didn't they know that Yoongi had a big brother? Jungkook had realised. They don't even know very much about Yoongi at all. He is a stranger. He didn't open up to him, and he was hurt, he still is hurting. He didn't tell Jungkook though, he didn't tell anyone. Jungkook was hurt by the thought. I couldn't even to get him to open up. He can't cry on anyone's shoulder, be taken care of properly if no one knows him.

Hoseok has mixed emotions. He was mad at the fact that someone had molested Yoongi. Of course he would be, his Yoongi was hurt, he shouldn't let that happen. We was upset that he didn't go into that room to find Yoongi. Yoongi could have cried on his shoulder. He would have been better at taking care of Yoongi. You could feel the anger rolling off of him in waves, yet his face was blank. Stone cold and emotionless, though just a glimpse in his eyes could tell he was vexed.

Jin was beside himself with anger, sadness and disappointment. Angry at Dr Han, if you could even call him a doctor at this point. Upset over Yoongi's condition. However, the disappointment was made just for him. He should have talked to Yoongi. He just brushed off the poor boy's emotions, thinking it might have just been a phase. He's not a teenager, of course it's not a phase. Yoongi was hurting and Seokjin didn't take care of him. He didn't try to comfort the tiny boy.

"Tae is waiting in the car.."

"...Yeah, let's go."

They leave the dreadful hospital room as quick as they can, wanting to get to Yoongi. They stalk down the corridors and down flights of stairs until they reach the back hospital doors. Namjoon angrily smashes open the doors, swiftly walking towards the car as the fan's and paparazzi's cameras and phones flash. The rest follow behind, a little less aggressive but still angrily as people try to reach out, trying to catch their attention.

"Bang tan! Bang tan! Why were you in the hospital?!" A news reporter shoves his microphone in front of Jin. He just pushes it out of the way as he climbs into the car. The screams and flashes almost too much to handle as the rest of the boys get into the car. How can Yoongi sleep through this?

Taehyung has Yoongi on his lap, rocking him back and forth as he hugs the small rapper. Jungkook sits beside Tae, motioning him to put the boy inbetween them. Tae reluctantly does so as he still hugs him, the other does the same, wrapping his long arms around the boy in a protective manner, trying to protect him from the damage that has already been done.

Hoseok sits next to Jimin in the middle as Jin sits in the driver's seat, Namjoon in the passenger seat. They pull out of the parking lot, driving away from the bad memory of the hospital.

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