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Unknown POV


Are you sick?

You look sick.

But then why did you say you were fine?

You didn't go to sleep in the bed last night.

I heard you puking.

I'll let this one slide.

You were just sick right?

You look frail.

Are you getting enough food?

Probably not.

Do you trust us?

Do you trust them?

Jimin's POV

You look so pretty Yoongi.

You are so naturally thin.

So skinny.

No! Don't make Yoongs your stupidly impossible ideals! You are .. beautiful! You have such a .. good body!

I should wake him up! Wait.... thats kinda scary... not to mention rude! Don't be rude! I could see if he is already awake? Yea I'll do that!

After my morning thinking of my Yoongs I stop staring at the roof and get off my bed. I quietly slip my slippers on and head out the door, making sure not to wake up the maknae.

I check my watch as I go down the hallway. It's pretty early so I don't know if he is awake, he has been sleeping in less and less now. That's good! That means he is going to bed earlier!

I walk quietly down the hallway, past my hyungs' rooms, until I reach Yoon's room. Well he shares it with Jin hyung.

Knock knock knock.


I hear heavy breathing and panting in the room but no answer.

"Hellooo?" I say louder.

What is happening in there?

I slowly open the door, the room dimly lit and Yoongi..... he's working out?! At 7:00 in the morning?

He sees the light pour into the room as he moves his eyes from the wall mirror to me, taking his headphones off in the process.

"Oh! Sorry for disturbing you hyung! You just didn't open the door when I knocked" I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck in embarrassment.

I shouldn't have disturbed him! He's putting so much work into everything, I shouldn't have stopped him. Plus he is working out, sweat beading arms and legs exposed, he is so skinny too. When did this happen? He is so skinny.

"Uhh Jiminie?" Yoongi inquires

"Oh pardon? Sorry I blanked out. And by the way why are you working out at 7:00 in the morning?"

"Oh! Uh about that, I only just started around 20 mins ago.... uh I don't know if I'll be able to do it this afternoon so I'm doing it this morning." He tried to hide his beautiful arms behind his back and cross his legs over each other.

"Okay but I don't think you need to work out anymore your body is really pretty" ...... crap! Did I just openly say I checked him out!

"Thanks... but if I stop it will go how it was before..."

What was it like before?

"Oh, well I was just coming in to check if you are awake." I say

"Oh okay then, I'm gonna practise some over the hand movements for the dance in here, also Jin is awake and is cooking breakfast so that will be ready soon."

"Oh yeah the dance practise we filmed yesterday! Do you wanna watch it and look at the comments with me?" I always loved reading the nice comments on our videos. Watching a video with my Yoongs too?! It's like heaven! We would be so close, arms and legs touching so we can both see the screen!

"Oh.. yeah the video..... comments..... sure"


I quickly grab out my phone from my back pocket and run over to his bed, eager to sit where he lays and sits all the time.

He grabs a towel and wipes himself of his sweat before sitting on the bed next to me. The bed dips and our legs and arms touch. Oh! It's tingly! I have so many butterflies in my chest, are they even butterflies? They feel like eagles flapping their wings viscously across my stomach and chest.

Concentrate Jimin! Get the video!

I tap the YouTube app and click on our video. 15 million views! Wow! And so many likes and comments!

The video starts to play as I hold the screen between Yoongs and I, trying not to be overcome by the nerves and tingly feels.

My eyes are trained on Yoongi even when I manage to look away from him, they always find their way back to him.

Even the dance line can't look like the main dancers. Yoongi is so amazing. His dancing has improved by a hundred miles, I didn't even think that was possible as he was already a good dancer. Why isn't he in our dance line anyway? He should.

Before I know it the video has ended and I'm looking Yoongi in the eye.

"Your dancing is amazing! Let's read the comments!"

"Breakfast!" Jin yells from downstairs

Aww I'll read them later maybe with Yoongi if I get the chance.

"Let's go" He says as he stands up. He looks..... disappointed? No.... disgusted?

I stand up and head towards the door.

"I'll be out in a few I'm gonna have a quick shower to get rid of the muck and sweat"

"Okay! Sit next to me please! I'll save a spot for you!"

I race out the door before he can answer.

I was just sitting so close to my Yoongs! We were touching legs and arms too!

And I get to sit next to him during breakfast too!

Yoongi's POV

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

He walked on me working out! And my fat arms and legs were exposed! Im sweaty! I stink!

After Jimin closes the door I run to the bathroom, being disgusted with myself. I already purged this morning so I can't  or I'll damage my throat too much and I'll just dry heave. I turn the shower on and start getting undressed.

I turn my body towards the mirror for what seems like the millionth time.

Why can't I just be skinny?

I have a big a face.

Why can't that shrink?

Why can't i shrink?

I have such fat arms and legs.

Why can't that get smaller?

Why can't I get smaller?

I have such a big tummy.

Why can't that be nothing?

Why can't I be nothing?

Why is there such a large number on the scale?

Can't that disappear?

Why can't I disappear?

Before I know it I'm changed into a large, purple sweater and black skinny jeans.

I walk downstairs, towards the.... food.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now