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??? POV

I saw your cuts

I heard you puke

You locked the door so no one could come in

I heard you come back into the house at 2 in the morning

You are dying

Yet, I think that is what you want

Tell someone

Tell me


Yoongi's POV

I need to work off the food I ate

I need to check my weight in the bathroom

"I'll be back, need to go to the bathroom" I say quickly running away to jin's bathroom

I quickly take out the scale and stand on it

46.5kg (102.4lbs)

I lost .1 of a kilogram that's like two pounds right? I basically didn't lose anything, I need to puke up the food. I'll get fatter, I need exercise, I nee-

"You okay in their Yoongs?" Jimin asks knocking on the door, "I picked out clothes for you, I hope that's okay"

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute!" I yell through the door

Calm down I'll just exercise it off yeah.

I walk towards the door and open it, finding clothes laid out infront of me on my bed.

"Tada~" He says doing jazz hands to the bed

These are my old clothes, the ones that didn't fit me anymore, I won't be able to fit in them! They're too small, I'm too big

"Um I think they are too small, they're my old clothes," I say sadly

"Nonsense! Look how small you are, all your other clothes are getting baggy on you so I got these ones!" He says happily from beside me, picking up the long sleeve shirt and pushing it towards me.

"I'll try them on, but if I don't like them I'm taking them off" I say to him and pick up the clothes, going to the bathroom to change.

They definitely won't fit, I haven't lost anything

"Come our already!" Jimin say out of the bathroom

They do fit me, I poke and prod at my clothes, they must have stretched when I last wore them, I was getting bigger before I chose new clothes.



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