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Yeah I'm back I just got to my Dad's place and he has wifi so I can upload... do you know how long I've been without wifi??!! A month! Basically, anyway I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. We get wifi on the 9th of December hopefully! xx

Yoongi's POV

"Let's get you to a big, comfy bed. What about mine?" Hobi asks

"No" they rest all say at once

"I'm the only one who is by myself in a room, besides it's not like anyone will go in there."

"I don't wanna be alone." I say quietly. My bare feet are really interesting right now.

"I'll stay with Yoongs." they all say at once.

"No, I will" they say again.

"I'm staying with him, I was there when he had that nightmare, I woke him up."

"Exactly, he probably had the night mare because of you, I'm strong I'll protect him"

"It's my room, I should take care of him"

"I'll take care of him, he needs soothing to get to sleep."

"I'm the leader, I take care of everyone, Yoongi is my responsibility."

"He's my responsibility too"

"Ugh, this is going nowhere well take shifts, I'll go first, alphabetical order afterwards. And no buts, I'm in charge."

They groan in response while I feel out of place, my feet are really interesting.

"Let's go Yoongi, the rest of you, we will get half an hour each. I'll come out in half an hour." He places his large hand in the small of my back as he guides me up the stairs.

"Time to get you some good rest"

"I did actually sleep a lot today, I'm not that tired, is it okay if we do something before I sleep again?" I ask nervously as he opens the door to Hoseok's bedroom.

"Yeah sure, what do you wanna do?" He asks as he peels back the bed's covers, patting the bed. I take that as he still wants me to sit in bed so I do so, pulling the covers up to my waist as I crawl in.

"Um, I don't really know, what do you want to do?"

"Uh I don't know, we could just sit and talk, we haven't done that for a while."

"What would we talk about?"

"Let me think, have you finished your song?" He asks, also coming underneath the blankets. I move over for him to fit, I'm too fat, I take up too much space.

"Yeah I think I've finished the song, could you check it for me when we get time? I don't think it's very good."

"You say that all the time and all the time I say that it is good, you are an amazing artist Yoongi and I can't believe you don't see that."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me Joonie" he's lying.

"Uh Yeah, It's okay. Here," he pushes my head into his shoulder. " is that better for you to sleep?"

My face flushes, "Yeah Thanks"

We spend the next half hour in silence, we didn't really talk. I hope he couldn't hear the erratic heartbeats in my chest.

My eyes are just about to fall asleep when Hoseok barges into the room.

My eyes shoot open as he marches towards the bed shoving his phone in Namjoon's face.

"Timer's done." Is all he says, sending a dark look towards Namjoon, practically shoving him out the room when he gets towards the door.

As soon as the door is shut, his expression turns worried as he directs his gaze towards me.

He fast walks back towards me grabbing my cheeks, moving them side to side, up and down.

"He didn't do anything did he?"

"Do what?" I ask, my voice sounding squished as his hands are pressed pretty hard.

A look of relief flashes across his face as he closes his eyes. He opens his eyes again and looks me in the eyes, not releasing his hands.

"Your so cute, like a little chipmunk." He happily claims, his eyes in crescents as his smile almost makes me blind.

"Thank you?" Was that a compliment?

"Your welcome." He smiles brightly

He jumps back into Namjoon's old spot but pushes my head down onto his lap.

"Now sleep, that's what a bed is for. Among other things.." he says sternly looking down at me.

The back of my head is on his lap, giving me a clear view of the ceiling. I close them, obeying his orders and try to fall asleep.

His lap is actually pretty comfortable.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now