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Yoongi's POV
11 days left.

"You'll be okay, only 11 days left." My voice cracks as I quietly reassure myself. Tears stream down my face as the razor glides down my skin.

Everyday has been getting more stressful, trying to hide my pain with a smile. It has only been 3 days since I fell asleep in between Taehyung and Jungkook. Even that comfort didn't last long. It has gotten so much harder to lose weight too. I've been passing out too much to actually do some work. I've only lost 1.5 kilograms (3.3lbs).

Blood covers my wrists and thighs as I sob quietly, my blood mixing with my sweat and tears. After I came back from my run, Hoseok started to get suspicious, he asked if I was okay. I hate hiding things from Hoseok, I can tell him anything and he wouldn't tell anyone, he would comfort me. But I can't tell him, I don't want him to worry.

I have to do this.

I gather myself from the floor, holding the sink for balance as I wipe down my wrists and thighs with a disposable cloth. I should probably have a shower, but I couldn't be bothered right now.

I walk down the hallway and towards the stairs, trying not to pass out again as I will my legs to move.

"Yoongi? Is that you?" Namjoon walks around the corner, smiling as he sees me.

"Hey." I weakly smile at him.

"What's wrong, you look like you're about to fall asleep? What are tos red marks under your eyes, have you been cryi-"

"I'm fine, Namjoon.... Just tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"..Okay, well you need some food before you go to sleep, it's dinner time soon anyways. The rest will be here too at the table. Can you wait for a bit before you go to bed?"

I sigh defectively as I nod, "Fine." I'm too tired to argue.

He smiles as he takes my wrist, pulling me towards the living room. I let him. He leads me to the couch as we both sit down. "You can lie here, Jin hyung said dinner was 20 minutes away." I nod as I close my eyes and rest my head against the couch. I fall asleep almost instantly, the warmth of Namjoon lulls me to sleep.


"He's so cute!"


"Stop! You'll wake him up!"

The whispers and flashes of cameras enter my ears. I groan as my eyes unwillingly open to the noise.

"You guys are so loud." I rub my eyes as I sit up.

"Sorry!" Almost everyone says at the same time.

Namjoon speaks first. "Dinner is ready, I fell asleep too so I didn't know everyone was here, sorry for waking you up, though we do have to have dinner now. It will go cold if we don't eat it now."

He pulls me up as I follow him towards the dining table, rubbing my tired eyes as I do so. I really don't want to eat the food.

I sit down next to Namjoon and Jimin, pushing my chair in as I try to make up an excuse.

"I'm not very hungry so I'll jus-"

"But you have to eat," Seokjin hyung interrupts, "you having been eating very much, and that's why you passed out, you need to eat more. Here." He fills up my empty plate with food, it almost over fills before he stops putting food on it. He passes it back to me as I take it wearily. I know I can't eat this much, if I do I'll puke. That will definitely make everyone worry.

I carefully pick up my chopsticks, Seokjin hyung's eyes staring me down as I pick up some rice and meat.

"Yoongi?" The voice makes me jump a little, though it does save me from eating my food. "Yes Joonie?"

"... Can I, Uh, maybe... feed you?" He asks warily as he scratches his neck. "You don't have to say yes," he adds quickly, "it's just that everyone else has fed you before and I want to do it too, not that that's a thing I do or anything I jus-"

"Sure." I smile at him. I don't want to eat, but he wants to feed me, and he asked it so cutely.

".. Really?" He asks astonished at my answer.

"Yes." I nod, assuring him.

"No fair!"

"I want to feed Yoongi!"

"We forgot about that timetable that we were allowed to feed him!"

"I call dibs after him!"

"No I called dibs last time!"

The boys had interrupted our conversation after listening in on it.

They had a habit of listening in to any conversation that Yoongi is involved in. Whether it be about Yoongi, or Yoongi was the one having the conversation.

"Well I'm feeding him first so deal with it." He grabs his own chopsticks and fills it with food then blowing on it before bringing it to my mouth. "Say ahh." He smiles at me.

"...ahh?" He places the food in my mouth carefully. The heavy, greasy food sits in mouth, making my mouth water until I slowly start chewing it, making Namjoon have more time to grab more food.

He feeds me a few more bites until I deny it, the heavy food making me want to puke. I force it down as I finish.

"You have to eat food too," I grab my chopsticks and put some of my meal on it, blowing on it before I say, "Open up." He blushes as he opens his mouth, bending down a little as I put the food in his mouth. He chews it happily before he gulps.

"Yoongs, feed me too." Jimin wines from beside me. I feed him my meal as he happily gulps it down quickly. He opens his mouth for more after I feed Namjoon again.

"Feed me too!"

"Yeah! Don't just feed him!"

"Feed me please!"

The youngest three plead as they put their hands together.


"No more feeding other people." Seokjin hyung states with his arms crossed. The others pout as I put my head down in shame.

"I'm sorry." I sat quietly though he still heard.

"It's okay, but we have to eat our own food.

"I'm not hungry I had food earlier, you put a lot on my plate anyways." I pick up my half eaten plate of food as I walk to the bin, tipping it in and rinsing it in the sink.

"I'm really tired, so if you will excuse me, I'm going to go to bed." I walk away from the dining room and go upstairs and into the bedroom, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow after changing.

11 days left.

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