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".....Is he alright?"

"What happened to him?!"

"I don't know! He pulled his hands off the safety bar and onto his head, I asked him if he was alright then he fainted and banged his head in the safety bar in front of him!"

I hear faint sounds of sirens near me as I feel my self being picked up and onto something like a bed.

Where am I?

What happened?

"Quickly let's go!"

I tried to open my eyes but it felt like they were weighed down by a tone of bricks just like the rest of my body.

My head throbs as I slowly drift back into the darkness.

••Time Skip••

The sun starts to sting my eyes as I slowly open them to quickly shut them again when the blinding sunset hits my eyes like a painful dart.

Start to sit up with a small groan as my hand reaches towards my head as a dull ache sets in.

"Ugh.... what happe-"

"Your awake!"

The loud sharp sound pierced my head as the dull ache starts to pound.

"Settle down Taehyung, give him some room"

The boy that was already hugging me like I just rose from the bed slowly retracts his hands from around my body and sits on an uncomfortable looking chair.

"Uhhh what happened?"
Your big fat ass probably broke the ride and you hit your head. Don't ask dumb questions make sure Taehyung and Jungkook are alright first. You did put them in danger after all.

"You fainted at the amusement park! I was so worried for you!" Jungkook answers for you

Oh great you made them waste their precious emotions on a dumb bitch like you

Oh crap. He might've noticed I wasn't eating! What do I do!

My hands start uncontrollably shaking a little as nervousness takes ahold of my consciousness.

"Are you okay? You banged your head pretty hard on that safety bar, your head was bleeding! Do you have a headache? Do you want me to grab a nurse?" Jimin asks me worriedly

"I'm okay Jiminie, it's not that big of a deal." I don't want to cause anymore trouble for anyone. I always get people stuck in my own petty, little problems.

"Not that big of a deal?!" Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung say at the same time.

Three of them start ranting about how I could've supposedly 'died' or get in a coma or something. My head starts to throb even more with the loud voices in the small hospital room.

"What time is it?" I ask to settle down the three.

"It's 4pm you've been in here for about 5 hours, we should get the doctor to check you already" Jin says as he pushes the button on the wall for the doctor to come in.

A man with a clip board and glasses comes in not too soon after.

"Hello how are you feeling? My name is Dr Han and I am a doctor, is it okay if I ask you a few questions before you take your leave?"

"I'm feeling well thank you," I lie,"yes you can ask me a few questions."

"Good! Can I ask that you boys leave for a few minutes please?" Dr Han turns towards the boys as they begrudgingly stand up and all go downstairs"

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now