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Yoongi's POV

Jimin and I always hold hands, but this time feels different. Butterflies are tickling my stomach as we walk through the doors of the big hit building.

"Yoongs! We thought you wer-" Hoseok stops talking for a second, looking deep in thought.

"Hobi? What's wrong? Are we late?" I ask in worry

"Oh? No. We are just in time let's go." His voice carries an annoyed tone.

He runs up to me and grabs ahold of my empty hand as he pulls us towards the practise room.

Huh. I wonder what happened.

He opens the door and pulls me and Jimin in before closing it again.

"There here" hobi states almost angrily as he stalks towards Jungkook and sits down to stretch.

Finally I get to work out. Jimin and I put our bags down and start stretching.

"Wow Yoongi hyung! You've gotten so much more flexible! Those workouts you've been doing have really paid off! You'll have to tell me so I can do them too!" Oh it's nothing just 15 hours of hard, physical work.

See? Now if you would just keep doing that until you pass out like I've been telling you, you would have so much more progress you dumb cunt.

"Haha, thanks I guess. Don't worry your body looks amazing anyway so you don't need to workout anymore than you do." Oh crap. Did I just openly say he is hot? Oh my god I just fucked up.

I can feel the heat rushing to the tips of my ears as I look away from him keep keep stretching.

"Oh!.... thanks I guess"

"Alright! Hurry up and stand in your positions so we can get started. Airplane pt 2 positions " Hobi practically growls in .... what is it? Anger? No jealousy? But over who?

We all stand up and get in our places.


During Hobi's rapping part, Jiminie and I hold the mics over Hobis head. We look at each other through the mirror and started giggling.

"Why are you two giggling?" Hobi asks angrily.

"Sorry Hobi we can do it again, it was an accident" I say apologetically

Are you stupid or something? You got Jimin in trouble! And Hoseok is mad at you now! You can't do anything right! This is why everyone said you look ugly and fat, because you can't control yourself.

"Ugh let's do it again, and don't forget we have to record this to upload it to vlive" Hoseok says annoyedly

Wait what? I'm so fat! I'm too fat to be seen with bts! I don't want to be videoed!

Shut up. This is your fault anyways. You deserve to be humiliated.

Jin walks over to the camera putting it in a stand to video the group

(Pretend it's practise because they haven't videoed a practise of this song yet)

I put a fake confidence face on as I do my part. Oh god I'm so bad and I'm out of tune, I can't do the moves right and I'm letting them all down! I'll do them down because I'm too fat!

Thankfully the song ends and the video cuts. I messed up so badly!

We do a few more practise dances without videoing before stopping 3 hours later. I'm panting from over work but I haven't even really broken a sweat or feel hot, I feel quite cold actually.

I can keep going.

"Jeez I'm beat! Let's go home" Namjoon says

"Hey guys?" I ask quietly

"Yes Yoongi?" They all reply at the same time

"I'm gonna stay a little longer, I haven't quite got the moves good yet"

"But you were so good when we were dancing! You had the moves perfect!" Jimin and Tae exclaim

"Yea! Why would you need to perfect them even more? I don't think you can perfect them more" Jungkook states

If only you knew how many flaws were there

"Do you need any help with the moves?" Hobi asks

"No I'm good I'm just gonna stay a little longer, don't stay up to wait for me I will meet you back home. I also brought food for myself so don't worry"

"Ok then let's go guys, you need food and sleep" Jin says to the boys

"Yoongs needs food and sleep too, do you know how skinny he has gotten, he will get too skinny. And he hasn't been getting much sleep" Tae concerningly says

"Fine, Yoongi your coming home this time, we are getting takeaway since it is too late to cook something"

"But- never mind okay, I'll come home" I comply and pack up my stuff while drinking a quarter of the water bottle, making sure not to drink too much.

Fucking takeaway? Are you kidding me?

You better not eat any of it. You still need to purge again. If you go up even .001 of a pound you'll be doing so many jumping jacks you'll pass out.

Jesus fucking Christ

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now