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"You weren't fucking quick enough!"

"We know sir bu-"

"He died because of you! You can't do your fucking job!"


"You should have died not him! He actually cared about people!" Jimin was struggling to break free from a crying Namjoon's arms as he yelled profanities at the ambulance and police.

Jimin and everyone else came racing down the stairs of the building as soon as they saw Yoongi fall from the ledge.

Yoongi had not survived.

A white sheet had been put over his mangled body before Jimin even exited the building. The ambulance was too late in spreading out a large blanket he could fall on. Many fans and pedestrians had gathered, reporters were most likely not a minute away. Fans were crying, like bangtan was.

"Get in the car." Jin demanded tears eyed as he walked towards the car. Namjoon had to drag Jimin to the car, his words never ending as he bantered and threw insults at the already guilty forces.

The car door shut, escaping the outside. "Yoongi!" Jungkook burst into tears, the thought of a lifeless Yoongi just outside on the concrete gave him horrible thoughts. Everyone sat in their seats, crying over the boy they loved with all their hearts, some in other ways. It all happened so quickly, they didn't even see it coming. Were they so stupid they couldn't even see if their brother had been sad?

'What the fuck are we supposed to do now?' Jin thought to himself.

Jimin fuelled his anger."I saw the fucking look on his face Hoseok, I saw his last moments on that ledge. Why had we been so blind?"

The last sentence brought a sense of déjà vu.

"What the hell?!" Namjoon yells. "Who let him be a fucking doctor?! He molested Yoongi!" He screams at the doctors and nurses, blaming them for Yoongi's hurt.

Tears spill out of Jimin's eyes. His poor Yoongi, he got hurt and didn't even tell anyone about it. Why didn't he realise? "Why didn't any of us fucking realise?" He spits out. "It's all our fault. We were supposed to take care of him but we failed. How were we so fucking blind?!" His voice cracks as his tears blur his vision.

Yoongi had gotten molested, twice, and they didn't help him.

Yoongi had been raped, and they didn't help him.

He was hurting, and they didn't help him.

Jimin's rage and anger doubled in the revelation, 'I'm so fucking dumb, I should have helped him instead of thinking about myself all the damned time.'

"I can't-this-it's not happening." Taehyung stares wide eyed into the seat in front of him. 'Yoongi isn't dead. He-he isnt. He can't be.' His denial was seeping out in waves. Though the extra seat in the car was blindingly obvious to everyone. It was happening all too fast for anyone.

"We were all thinking about ourselves and our feelings and yet we never cared to think for Yoongi's feelings. Not even once." Namjoon puts his face in his hands, blaming himself for everything.

"Let's go." Jin says quietly.

"Are you fucking serious?!" Jimin yells at him. "Drive to the fucking hostpital!"

"We don't even know which hostpital it is twat!" Jin's anger suddenly sparks and takes it out on Jimin. Jimin's surprise becomes visible before sitting forwards in his chair. "Well if you didn't make us get in the car, maybe we would know by now!" He yells back.

"Guys shut up!" Taehyung yells. "I'll go ask now just stop." His tears eyes boring into the two bickering boys before slamming the door open and jumping out. The reporters already flashing their cameras and taking videos to broadcast all over South Korea. He comes back a minute later, quietly saying the nearest hostpital when closing the door.

Silence envelopes the car on the way there.


"A suicide occurred just after the famous Bangtan concert. Min Yoongi, a famous member in BTS had committed suicide just hours after their concert. Reports had yet to come back to confirm the death-" the television was switched off by Namjoon.

Just at that moment a doctor had entered the hallway. With their new found hatred for hospitals, they were not comfortable being their. The doctor walks towards them silently, looking down at her feet as she walks towards them. The words they had not wished to hear had already slipped the doctors mouth. Most of them simultaneously bursting into tears again.

Yoongi was gone, and there was nothing they could do about it.

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now