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The BigHit building was quite a ways away, but we were used to it after going there almost everyday.

Seokjin was driving while Namjoon was sitting next him in the passenger seat, the conversation turning to the dances and schedules. Taehyung was behind Namjoon with Jimin between Taehyung and Hoseok. Jungkook was in the back next to me, not afraid to lean into the middle row to bicker about which dance was better. I felt surreal, like my mind had slipped into a state of paralysis, all the while being conscious enough to hear thoughts floating around my head.

Like I was trapped in my own mind.


Lose weight.

Be fit.

Be like the others.




"Yoongs?" Jungkook asks waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh. Huh?"

"We are here! Let's go!"


"Uhhh, these past thirty minutes have felt like a bazillion years to me!"

"Oh shut up, let's get out already."

It's been thirty minutes already? It felt like 10 seconds. I close the door behind me, last one to exit the car as Seokjin locks it. Exercise should keep me in shape, it's not all about exercise though, maybe I'll cut down on dinner too? I doubt they would notice anyways. They don't control what goes in my mouth anyways, why would I need to worry about them?

Exercise means being skinny.
Less food means being skinny.

We go into the dance room and without a moments hesitation, start stretching and dancing.

••time skip••

An hour and a half later we finally get our first break after learning the new dance for our new song Idol. I don't feel good, but I just need some water. The sweat was clinging onto me for life, and I bet I smelt just as bad as I looked.

You're sweating like a pig.

If you were thinner, maybe you wouldn't sweat so much. Water is life from now on.

I can be thinner.

I quickly get up and walk towards my water bottle and towel.

"Hey Yoongie hyung~" Taehyung says cutely as he bounces over.


"What ya doin?" He ponders, almost scanning my body. He probably knows I've gained weight.

"Drinking water and drying myself of my sweat."

"Oh. Cool? You know-"

"Yoongi hyung!"

"Yes Jungkookie?"

"Do you want to hear me sing?!"


"Hey!" Tae chimes in, "I was talking to him first!"

M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now