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Yoongi's POV

Kill me now.


I'm balling my eyes out, holding onto Jimin and based on that everyone is here I guess I screamed or something in my sleep. I realise that I'm acting like a child, I'm crying because of a fucking nightmare -but- I don't care right now.

I need comfort. I know, I'm being selfish but I can't help it.

That night mare was pretty scary. I had to look at myself and Dr Han turned into a giant reptile snake thing. I know I deserved what I got from him but I'm just scared. He scares me.

"Don't make me go" I croak out, barely holding back my tears.

"Go where? It was just a bad dream," Jimin starts. "You don't have to worry anymore, you aren't going anywhere"

But that's the fucking point it wasn't a fucking dream and I am going somewhere, "I have to get a check up. At the doctors."

"Well yeah, you hit your head and we don't want you to have something wrong with you. What's wrong, why don't you want to go?" Jimin says as he pulls away from the hug.

I just shake my head at him and pull out (    ;))    ) of the awkward position I was in.

"Sorry for worrying you guys, just another bad dream"

"Just a bad dream? 'Just a bad dream' wouldn't make you scream in your sleep, not to mention cry, I haven't seen you cry since that once time on stage" Jin says worriedly as he walks towards me. "You are still sick so we will move out to the lounge room. If you have another bad dream once of us will wake you up."

"Uh yeah, but I've slept a lot today already, only my eyes are tired and sore. I'll still sit on the couch though."

"Let's all go downstairs, I'm making breakfast for the rest of us."

"Let me carry you!" Taehyung says he goes to lift me.

I push his hands away, "When have I ever let anyone carry me?" I'm too heavy

"When you always fall asleep in the car, but Kookie always carries you. I want to carry you though, I never get to!" Tae says pouting.

"Sorry" Sorry for making you carry a heavy pig up the stairs. I should start saying 'oink', then I'd really fit in with the rest of them.

"Aww why would you say sorry for that? I just wanted to carry you"

I start to get up, to go down stairs but my legs give in and my butt makes contact with the ground.

"Are you okay?!" The tall boy scrambles down to my level.


"Please let me carry you? Your legs obviously aren't going to do it. Only your pride will get hurt a tad, you'll be fine I won't drop you."

"No. However, can you help me stand?"

He grabs my arms and yanks me up, a bit too hard as I go crashing into his chest.

"Sorry" we both say at the same time.

I face away from him as he looks at me skeptically.

"At let me do this," he puts his arm underneath my armpit, putting my arm on his shoulder. He bends down so my arms isn't so stretched on his shoulders.

"Tada" He says as his boxy smile cause his eyes to close.

I give a small smile back, "Thanks"

"All g" he says cooly

"Did you just- seriously?"


"Kids these days"

"Young sir you are only 23 years young, you have your whole life ahead of you, I'm as old as a turtle"

I don't answer back as he pulls us downstairs, towards the couch. Everyone is sitting either on or around the couch, excluding Jin.

They look up towards me and Tae, maybe actually staring, all of them, unblinking, kind of creepy actually.

He pulls us towards the big 3-seater couch, j-hope on one end, Jungkook on the other.

"Scooch ya cooch" Tae says to Kook

"Why? I was here first" he answers to the statement

"Well poor Yoongi here needs to sit-lay down on the couch, you are in the way"

"If he needed lay down, wouldn't you have asked Hoseok to move too? Besides, he can put his head on my lap, the pillows are already being used so my legs are a good pillow."

"No, I'll be his pillow so you need to move"

"No I was here first"

"Well now you have to move-"

"Guys just let Yoongi sit in between you guys" Jin says from the kitchen. "You are all small, especially Yoongi, so you all can sit on the couch, just stop bickering"

They both huff in annoyance as Jungkook moves over, the same with Hobi.

Taehyung sets me carefully down on the couch, weirdly far from Kook, he won't have enough roo-

"Come here Yoongi, so Taehyung can have more room" he tugs my arm towards him, I basically go flying towards him.

Tae stares at Jungkook in anger.

He sits down, close to me, leaving Hobi more arm room.

"Guys I can just sit on the floor-"

"No" the both say at the same time shooting dark looks at each other.

Why are they fighting? That's not good they are good friends, I don't want them to stop being friends.

"Please don't fight" I look at them both, one after the other, "you guys are friends, you shouldn't fight"

Tae sighs as he look at my face. "You are right. I'm sorry Kook please forgive me"

"Yeah. Same, sorry for fighting with you" he looks at Tae.

"Yay" I smile widely at them as they smile back.

"Let's watch a movie guys, since we are having the day off, who wants to choose?" Namjoon says from his chair as he turns on the television.

"Scary movie!" The two youngest say happily in unison

"But it's so scary" Hobi says
"Yeah too scary" Jimin agrees from next to the couch

"Toughen up you too, you have each other to hang onto" Namjoon chuckles as he puts the scariest movie he can find on Netflix.

"Veronica! It's not a Korean movie but it's still scary even without the subtitles I've been told" he smirks at the rest of the group.

I'm not one for scary movies. Every one I watch isn't scary. Most of them are badly plotted. Although the jumps scares still make make jump even if the movie is bad.

Namjoon puts the movie on as the two scared ones have already worked themselves up, hanging onto each other already.


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