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We walk through the front door of the house and everyone follows except me.

"I'm just going to the bathroom I'll be back" I say to the group

"Okay!" They all shout in unison

I pull my sore legs up the stairs and towards the bathroom.

I open the door and step inside, closing the door after me. I walk towards the toilet and bend down, my head falling over the toilet seat.

Worthless piece of shit.
You can't do anything right.
Choke on your own fucking vomit why don't you.
Shove those fingers so far down your throat you suffocate in them.

A reach my fingers down my throat so far I can feel the heaving coming into action.

I puke into the toilet before dry heaving, my throat burning from the constant bile flowing out of my stomach and into the water.

I drop the toilet lid down as I almost collapse against the wall and the ground.

Get you fatass up.
Your friends are waiting for you, you selfish shit.
You are taking to long get the fuck up and go down!

I grab the bench to pull my dizzy self up, almost fainting in the process. I flush the toilet and wash my hands and mouth.

Ugh food. I just wanna go to sleep. I stare into my reflection. A picture is with a thousand words right?

Fat                                   Flabby
          Ugly         Terrifying
    Disgusting                        Horrible

"Yoongi? Are you okay in there?"

"Huh oh yeah sorry I'm coming out Kookie. Sorry to keep you waiting."

I open the door to find Jungkook standing in front of me waiting.

"Let's go now"

"Yes hyung also will you sit next to me?"

"Sure I'll sit wherever"

"Okay! I can't wait to eat!"

"I can.." I quietly murmur to myself

"What was the hyung?"

"Oh it's nothing"

I walk down stairs towards the dining table where everyone is already seated, waiting

You took to long! Jungkook has to go grab you, you waste too much of their time!

As soon as I see the food on the table I want to puke, again

Sorry guys it's a short chapter I have writers block and I'm tired... its night time where I am. Have a goodnight/morning whenever you read this


M.Y.GxBTS Not Enough (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now